angular momentum[SOLVED]

Posted By: NITRO777

angular momentum[SOLVED] - 04/17/09 13:37

Anyone know any relatively simple implementations of angular momentum? Basically I have just made the(my.pan) rotation inversely proportional to the linear force, but I was wondering if someone knew a more accurate method derived from the actual physics formulas?
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: angular momentum - 04/20/09 21:11

ok for anyone who happens to perhaps be looking at this subject the answer is very simple. Before calculating drag or anything like that angular velocity can be related to linear velocity in the following way where:

v=linear velocity
w=angular velocity

with the formula: v=rw

Therefore in the case of finding a pan value to correlate with your linear force it is simple.

1st determine your linear force, say it is a constant like 10
then find what you need for an angular force, like 5 or some value you determine by experimentation\

Then it is easy to compute r which is radius or which is your pan value:

r=10/5 or 2

Found this in an olde trig book, Im using angular velocity to model the movement of my entities in the game.
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