Any good tutorials on how to make a movement system?

Posted By: MegaMarioDeluxe

Any good tutorials on how to make a movement system? - 05/14/09 07:09

Alright, so I'm going "cold turkey" on the templates that are provided with GameStudio to make my own game that's not using the A5 templates.

I was wondering how would I code the collision and movement system.

I tried moving my character using ent_move() and when I ran the level, I pressed the walk key I've set, and it said "Crash in ent_move ....". I ditched that idea. I got another one from a pack of tutorials that I downloaded, but that one crashed and burned.

I was wondering if anyone could provide a skeleton for me to expand on.

I'm using A6 (and I know that's a old verson) but I'm sure if you did a simple movement setup (even if it's in A7 code format, I can *try to* convert it to WDL format), others (including me) may benefit from the code snippet.

What I'm looking for is just the basics: Stop, Walk, Jump/Fall, and collision detection (if there's a wall in front of the player, the player stops).

Otherwise, could you point me into a tutorial that explains the basics of movement? I remember reading a tutorial on some site that showed you how to do it, but I can't remember what site it was on.

I have checked the Wiki, and there's a movement script there but it's dodgy when I try to use it. frown

Many thanks,
Posted By: KiwiBoy

Re: Any good tutorials on how to make a movement system? - 05/14/09 09:04

USe AUM resorces, there you can find examples in demo sections and many in the magazne itself from A6 days still.

Shows everything you want.
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: Any good tutorials on how to make a movement system? - 05/14/09 11:34

The coolest movement tutorial: laugh
Posted By: MegaMarioDeluxe

Re: Any good tutorials on how to make a movement system? - 05/15/09 03:03

I did try the Kingdom Hearts movement, but it was quite complex for my likings.

I'm downloading the AUM 1 - 68 collection from the Acknex Unlimited site, so that may be of use to me... Thanks for the tip, KiwiBoy! smile
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