my.event question

Posted By: Paulo

my.event question - 10/02/09 21:35


I've just created a piece of code that works. But the manual says that it's not a good idea.
The event function itself should be simple. It normally should only transfer information to the entities' main function - it shouldn't perform instructions that can trigger events itself, displace entities, start particles or change anything else in the level. Thus instructions like c_move, ent_create, ptr_remove, c_trace etc. must not be performed. If the event function must perform such 'critical instructions', precede them by a wait(1) for delaying them to the next frame. Then it's safe.

In the event function I'm using a while loop, particles and ptr_remove. My idea is I'm only calling the event function 1 time, and not every frame therefore there shouldn't be any problem, right?? Imo cause I'm setting the passble and the invisible the event function turns into a normal function. But I'm really not sure at all. Could some1 correct me or agree?


function rocket_handle()
	var exposion_time = 0;
	while(exposion_time < 5)
		// call function destroy_rocket each frame, generating 3 particle at the position of the entity (my.x)
	   effect(destroy_rocket, 3, my.x, nullvector);
	   exposion_time +=1;

function enemy_rocket_movement()
	my.emask |= (ENABLE_BLOCK | ENABLE_ENTITY); // Makes entity sensitive for block and entity collision
   my.event = rocket_handle;
		c_move(my,vector(30*time_step,0,0),nullvector,IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE | IGNORE_FLAG2 | ACTIVATE_PUSH); //moves the rocket

Posted By: EvilSOB

Re: my.event question - 10/02/09 22:09

IMHO, what youve got is safe enough.
You have disabled the 'parent' entity from causing any more events,
and nothing the event itself does can cause any events.
Look safe to me...
Posted By: Superku

Re: my.event question - 10/02/09 22:21

function rocket_handle() {

=>>> my.event = NULL; <===


as safe as it can be!
Posted By: Paulo

Re: my.event question - 10/03/09 12:28

thanks a lot guys! laugh
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