Faking bones animation

Posted By: MrNoOne

Faking bones animation - 01/22/10 21:06

Is it possible to fake bones animation the way Quake 3 did with using 3 different models, one for the head, upper, and lower areas of the model. is it?

forgot to mention that the 3 models were all vertex animation(except for the head with only 1 frame.) in case you dont know.
Posted By: darkinferno

Re: Faking bones animation - 01/22/10 22:11

well the questionisnt IF its possible, the question is HOW, it can be as simple as joining the 3 models together via code such as vec_for_vertex and such or it can get as complex as joining them together via code and stitching the vertices to make it seemless...
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Faking bones animation - 01/22/10 22:46

Another question is, what do you need that for, while even the free version supports bones animation.
Posted By: MrNoOne

Re: Faking bones animation - 01/22/10 22:52

I need it because lite-c does not have the ability to have more than 1 weight on a vertex, which will make animation not be as realistic.

It would also make it easier to have a lower body and upper body animation than doing anim_add...
Posted By: darkinferno

Re: Faking bones animation - 01/22/10 23:28

it does support more than 1 weight on a vertex, atleast now it does wink
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