malfunction W1301

Posted By: Erick_Castro

malfunction W1301 - 02/09/10 21:08

When occurs and why occurs the error :

"malfunction W1303"

Posted By: Redeemer

Re: malfunction W1303 - 02/09/10 23:36

You tell me when it happens. tongue

As for why, here's a quote from the Online Manual:
Originally Posted By: Online Manual
Warning W1301: Can't open file

The given file was not found in the path or resource.

Error E1302: Bad MDL format

The given model file was damaged or has a wrong format.

Warning W1305: Bad File Name

This warning is only issued when the warn_level variable is set to 2 or above. The entity file name contains invalid characters such as ' ', '/' or '\' - the latter is interpreted as a path and will lead to publish errors.

As you can see, malfunction W1303 isn't listed, but we can see that if it was, it would be grouped among the "file not found" type errors. ie your script is probably looking for a file that is either damaged or does not exist. It could be a sound, level, model, or even a text file.

Hope that helps laugh
Posted By: Erick_Castro

Re: malfunction W1303 - 02/10/10 05:15

you are right, Redeemer, is MALFUNCION1301
but i dont know why. It occurs when i change level and continuo in second level with the weapons that i had in the first level.

Sometimes, when i change weapons pressingn 1 or 2 or 3, etcetera , in randomly way the message appears and cant Ent_create the model.

Sometimes it works good.

I dont know.
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: malfunction W1303 - 02/10/10 15:45

The engine is probably attempting to ent_create before a level is loaded. If this is done the engine will crash.

Solution: put a "wait(2)" instruction after your "level_load" instruction. That will give the engine enough time to load the level before it creates any entities.
Posted By: Helghast

Re: malfunction W1303 - 02/11/10 14:32

why is this a contribution? please post in the right thread next time...
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: malfunction W1303 - 02/11/10 15:03

Yes, I hadn't noticed until now but please post your questions under a more suitable forum.
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