Weapon outlines

Posted By: fangedscorpion

Weapon outlines - 07/29/10 18:00

I was wondering if there was a way that I could create an outline of a weapon in my game that is blue when the player is more than 50 units away (and when the player can't pick it up). An then when the player is closer and can pick up the weapon, have the outline turn white. Any ideas?
Posted By: Rackscha

Re: Weapon outlines - 07/29/10 18:32

there has been a glowing edges shader for DX8 on the wiki, should be possible to port it to DX9, sadly i have no clue how v.v(this solution only works if you have COM or Pro).

If your version doesnt provide shadersupport, you could do the weapon model twice.

First one is normal and textured.
THe second one has the color of your line. The second model needs a scale above the scale of your first model.
If this is done, flip the normals of the second Model so that they're inside.
If you place the seond model now at the same position with the same rotation of the first model, the first model will have an outline.

THis works only if the modle is not hidden(so no throughwall look) and sadly it not glowing.

Posted By: fangedscorpion

Re: Weapon outlines - 07/30/10 16:28

Does anyone know of a better way than this?

No offense Rackscha.
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