
Posted By: bk9iq

Elevator - 08/09/10 06:15

I made an elevator as a physics kinematic object... I used pXent_kinematic ( entity, var active );
and moved it using pXent_moveglobal ( entity, VECTOR* vMove, ANGLE* aRotate);

However, the physics player doesn't move up and down or sideway with the moving elevator (( The elevator gets through the body of the player)) ...
When I don't use physics I can solve it by making the player.z = elevator.z+100; but now I can't use xyz to move the player cuz I am using physics...
Any ideas how to solve this??
Posted By: Helghast

Re: Elevator - 08/09/10 07:44

just a wild guess, but maybe it's moving too fast for the physics collision to pick up.
in this case you might try to set CCD on for both physical objects (elevator and player).

Posted By: bk9iq

Re: Elevator - 08/09/10 14:23

Originally Posted By: Helghast
just a wild guess, but maybe it's moving too fast for the physics collision to pick up.
in this case you might try to set CCD on for both physical objects (elevator and player).


Thanks for answering me Helghast...
I put pX_setccd ( 1 ); in the while loops of my player and my lift ... and slowed the speed of the elevator down to 0.5 but still the same thing happening !
I don't know how to fix this...
Posted By: Helghast

Re: Elevator - 08/09/10 15:05

dont put it in a while, that makes no sense. Put it only once in your main.

Then on the elevator and player action, put this pXent_setccdskeleton(my, nullvector, 1);

good luck.
Posted By: bk9iq

Re: Elevator - 08/09/10 19:12

Originally Posted By: Helghast
dont put it in a while, that makes no sense. Put it only once in your main.

Then on the elevator and player action, put this pXent_setccdskeleton(my, nullvector, 1);

good luck.

I wish that this works, but it doesn't... I have been trying all the day but nothing works...
Now my character moves up with the elevator when the player moves on the elevator, but if I don't move the player then it falls through !!!!
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