using VS2008 or 2010 to get Lite-C intellisense

Posted By: freeflyklown

using VS2008 or 2010 to get Lite-C intellisense - 08/11/10 16:22


is it possible to use VS2008 or VS2010 instead of SED to program in GS? If so, will autocomplete/intellisense work then? How do I set it up so I can use VS as my "script editor"?


Posted By: Rav Singh

Re: using VS2008 or 2010 to get Lite-C intellisense - 08/11/10 20:39

You can programme using Visual Studio (see the documentation under Gamestudio SDK section), it's possible to control engine scripts and even write entire games in C++ if you know hwat you are doing.

However, the SDK looks cumbersome to program (at least to me it is) and I am waiting for them to implement DLL functionality in LiteC ... it will be much easier to wrap the engine using this way.

As for intellisense/autocomplete I cannot answer that as I don't use Visual Studio.
Posted By: FlorianP

Re: using VS2008 or 2010 to get Lite-C intellisense - 08/12/10 01:30

As intellisense supports C and lite-c is pretty similar u can use it.
Just write ur programm in VC and set the compiler to only use the acknex.exe and no VC-compiling. (or just start ur programm from WED)
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