is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions

Posted By: frankjiang

is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 08:31

is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions
void func(){
printf("hello world");
typedef struct{
var x;
var y;
int (*func)(int,int);
Posted By: Tobias

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 08:39

Yes, but with different syntax, the normal lite-C structs use the EVENT type for function pointers. You can see examples in atypes.h. I believe EVENT is typedef void* but I'm not sure.
Posted By: WretchedSid

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 08:43

This should work:
void func()
	printf("hello world");

typedef struct
	var x;
	var y;
	int func();

// ...
SPOT spot;
spot.func = func;


Posted By: frankjiang

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 09:08

Error in 'MAIN' line 21: Call function @temp_00093 error< spot.func();>
Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 09:34

you need to do it like this:Adjust the font size
Make textarea smaller
Make textarea bigger
typedef struct
    var x;
    var y;
    void fn(var x);    //The function pointer
void func(var x)    //your function
    error("Hello world!");

SPOT* setup_spot()  //a init routine
    SPOT* spot = sys_malloc(sizeof(SPOT));
    spot->x = 0;
    spot->y = 0;
    spot->fn = func;  //Set fn as func
    return spot;

void main()
    SPOT* spot = setup_spot();  //create SPOT
    spot->fn(5);   //call func();

EDIT: Sorry, old code won't work!
don't know why code doesn't work without parameters...
with params it works
Posted By: Helghast

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 09:40

I'm doing it slightly different.

I store a string in my struct, and use engine_getfunction together with a prototype function to call custom functions.

If you dont know what I mean, i can give an example when i'm back home.

Posted By: frankjiang

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 09:43

Error in 'MAIN' line 21: '@temp_00716': wrong number/type of parameters<spot->fn(); //call func();>
Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 09:44

changed post!
typedef struct
    var x;
    var y;
    void fn(var x);    //The function pointer
void func(var x)    //your function
    error("Hello world!");

SPOT* setup_spot()  //a init routine
    SPOT* spot = sys_malloc(sizeof(SPOT));
    spot->x = 0;
    spot->y = 0;
    spot->fn = func;  //Set fn as func
    return spot;

void main()
    SPOT* spot = setup_spot();  //create SPOT
    spot->fn(5);   //call func();

don't know why code doesn't work without parameters...
with params it works
Posted By: frankjiang

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 09:45

Error in 'MAIN' line 21:
'@temp_00716': wrong number/type of parameters
< spot->fn(); //call func();
Posted By: Helghast

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 10:02

typedef struct
    var x;
    var y;
    STRING *funcName;    //The function pointer

void callingFunction()    //your function
    error("Hello world!");

SPOT* setup_spot()  //a init routine
    SPOT* spot = sys_malloc(sizeof(SPOT));
    spot->x = 0;
    spot->y = 0;
    spot->funcName = str_create("");  //Set fn as func
    str_cpy(spot->funcName, "callingFunction");

// empty prototype function
void PrototypeCallFunction();

void main()
    SPOT* spot = setup_spot();  //create SPOT
    PrototypeCallFunction = engine_getscript(_chr(spot->funcName));
    if(PrototypeCallFunction) { PrototypeCallFunction(); }

Tested, and works.

Posted By: frankjiang

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 10:17

thanks everybody.
Posted By: Damocles_

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 11:05

This works: (using int)
(the includes are not perfect..)

#include <default.c>
#include <litec.h>

typedef struct
    int x;
    int y;
    void fn(int x);    //The function pointer
void func(int x)    //your function
    error("Hello world!");

SPOT* setup_spot()  //a init routine
    SPOT* spot = malloc(sizeof(SPOT));
    spot->x = 0;
    spot->y = 0;
    spot->fn = func;  //Set fn as func
    return spot;

void main()
    SPOT* spot = setup_spot();  //create SPOT
    spot->fn(5);   //call func();

Posted By: Joozey

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 11:33

@damocles: It does? Is that too for A7? I was under the impression that it was not possible to call structure elements as functions...

I always do this, seems to work just fine, but not sure if it could go wrong with an integer pointer as function pointer storage:

typedef struct
 int *spot_func;

void spot_func_prototype(SPOT *s);


void spot_remove(SPOT s)

void main()
 SPOT spot;
 spot.func = spot_remove;

 spot_func_prototype = spot.func;
 spot_func_prototype( spot );

Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 11:38

i think everybody has his own, working ideas and there are more ways than we can count, but we can't get them into our mind
Posted By: Damocles_

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 11:56

well it works (did test with a7)
Posted By: Damocles_

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 12:16

Works also with return values.
Basically you can almost work as in an object oriented approach.

#include <default.c>

typedef struct spotpoint
    int x;
    int y;
    int fn(struct spotpoint * myself, int add_x);    //The function pointer
int func(SPOT* myself, int add_x)    //your function
	int itis=myself->x + add_x;
   return itis;

SPOT* setup_spot()  //a init routine
    SPOT* spot = malloc(sizeof(SPOT));
    spot->x = 0;
    spot->y = 0;
    spot->fn = func;  //Set fn as func
    return spot;

void main()
//create the objects
    SPOT* spot = setup_spot();  //create SPOT
    SPOT* spot2 = setup_spot();  //create SPOT

//alter attributes in objects    
spot->x=4;		//set values
    spot2->x=3;	//set values
//call function in objects, so they work on their personal attributes    
    int whatis= spot->fn(spot,5);   //call func();
    int whatis2= spot2->fn(spot2,5);   //call func();
    if(whatis==9) error("Correct value for spot returned!");
    else error("False value spot returned!");
    if(whatis2==9) error("Correct value spot2 returned!");
    else error("False value spot2 returned!");

Posted By: Aku_Aku

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/03/10 20:23

I am totally impressed by Damocles_ and Helghast work.
Posted By: FBL

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/22/10 21:20

Now all we need is "this" tongue
Posted By: Joozey

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/22/10 22:33

Couldn't figure out a "this" by workarounds. Anyone? tongue
Posted By: WretchedSid

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/23/10 06:58

Write a runtime that gets called wenn calling a function in a struct. In this function set a pointer called this to the struct and then call the actual function.

It's that easy.
Posted By: Helghast

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/23/10 07:37

Originally Posted By: JustSid
Write a runtime that gets called wenn calling a function in a struct. In this function set a pointer called this to the struct and then call the actual function.

It's that easy.

Yep exactly as JustSid said, but here's an example with that:

usage of "this"
typedef struct
    var x;
    var y;
    STRING *funcName;    //The function pointer

void callingFunction(SPOT *this) //your function
	STRING *tempStr = str_create("");
	str_cpy(tempStr, "this position x = ");
	str_cat(tempStr, str_for_num(NULL, this.x));
	str_cat(tempStr, ", and this position y = ");
	str_cat(tempStr, str_for_num(NULL, this.y));

SPOT* setup_spot()  //a init routine
	SPOT* spot = sys_malloc(sizeof(SPOT));
	spot->x = random(100);
	spot->y = random(100);
	spot->funcName = str_create("");  //Set fn as func
	str_cpy(spot->funcName, "callingFunction");

// empty prototype function
void PrototypeCallFunction(SPOT *this);

void main()
	SPOT* spot = setup_spot();  //create SPOT
	PrototypeCallFunction = engine_getscript(_chr(spot->funcName));
	if(PrototypeCallFunction) { PrototypeCallFunction(spot); }

Posted By: Lukas

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/23/10 12:22

Why use a string instead of a direct function pointer?
Posted By: Helghast

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/23/10 12:33

Originally Posted By: Lukas
Why use a string instead of a direct function pointer?

Was having problems running that, and copying a string name is easier to do from an external setup (think textfiles etc) then a direct function name... You can obviously change it to your own personal liking, but to me this was easiest laugh

Posted By: Joozey

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/23/10 15:54

engine_getscript is dirty, calling the function from the structure is what we want.


But when using a dummy function inbetween that passes the object as "this", you can't give other parameters.
Posted By: WretchedSid

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/23/10 16:46

Well, actually you can. The trick is called variadic functions which are sadly not available in Lite-C. However, you can use a DLL for this stuff and everything is fine.

I tried something like this already with Lite-ObjectiveC but no one was interested in this so there is no Lite-C version anymore.
Posted By: Bunsen

Re: is possible lite-C`struct contain any functions - 09/25/10 22:01

Interesting thread. This would be my try:

// Some Prototypes
void delegate(void); // Simple void function
#define CALL(this, func) delegate = this.aFunc; delegate()

void delegate1(int x); // Void function with int argument
#define CALL1(this, func, arg) delegate1 = this.aFunc; delegate1(arg)

int delegate2(int x); // Int function with int argument
#define CALL2(retVal, this, func, arg) delegate2 = this.aFunc; retVal = delegate2(arg)

// Expand this here ...

// Some Functions
void func1() // A simple void function
printf("Hallo world!");

void func2(int x) // A void function which process an argument
printf("Result = %d", x);

int func3(int x) // A function which process an argument and returns a result
return x * 2;

// A structure with a function member
typedef struct
int a,b;
long aFunc; // Simply use a long integer to store the function address
} AStruct;

// Use it
void main()
AStruct obj[3]; // 3 Instances

obj[0].aFunc = func1; // Obj 0 gets a simple void function
CALL(obj[0], aFunc);

obj[1].aFunc = func2; // Obj 1 gets a void function which process an argument
CALL1(obj[1], aFunc, 42);

obj[2].aFunc = func3; // Obj 2 gets a function which process an argument and returns a result
CALL2(int retVal, obj[2], aFunc, 42);
printf("retVal = %d", retVal);
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