role playing game

Posted By: marvz

role playing game - 04/16/11 10:42

im getting started with this game development.. what should be the first step i will do to create a role playing game
Posted By: Ceryni

Re: role playing game - 04/16/11 11:27

a good concept and try to answer sme questions like

where should it play?
when should it play?
fantasy or historical?
what characters?

dont start to programm before you know what should be there in the end
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: role playing game - 04/16/11 14:55

First step is to make really small prototypes for movement, combat, character interaction, whatever else you'd like in there. But by making really small self-contained prototypes with very limited features you'll be much better prepared for making an actual game.

Posted By: FoxHound

Re: role playing game - 04/16/11 15:45

If you are learning I would suggest learning how to program first and worry about the details later.

Then what is your RPG. Live action or random battles? Live action you need to learn how to heart someone with weapons with normal movement. Sword slash code is in an old issue of the AUM.

Random battles you need to learn the Random code and loading levels to start the battles.
Posted By: Doc_Savage

Re: role playing game - 04/16/11 16:44

also id suggest learning how things are done, (like texture creation, model; creation, etc) and learn how to do those things. theres a few books on them out there if you are really serious about this. also try to think up a good backstory, a world in which these characters live, and a bit of history to that place.
Posted By: marvz

Re: role playing game - 04/25/11 00:30

what should be the codes in importing pictures coz i will make it for the background..
Posted By: MrGuest

Re: role playing game - 04/25/11 01:18

try using this, this and this, should get you started
Posted By: marvz

Re: role playing game - 04/25/11 01:33

what does it mean? can u give me the codes of how to import pictures and make as it background?
Posted By: Widi

Re: role playing game - 04/25/11 21:35

Use the links from MrGuest for the tutorial, AUM`s and the manual!!!
Posted By: marvz

Re: role playing game - 04/26/11 01:12

where can i found it?
Posted By: Ericmor

Re: role playing game - 04/26/11 04:26

I´m working in an adventure/RPG title myself.
RPG´s are normally FAR more difficult to code and assemble than your average FPS or race/puzzle games.
You have to have in mind the following aspects of the game, each one requiring several lines of code to work:
-character movement;
-equipment changing system;
-dialogue windows systems;
-NPC interaction;
-event manager (if you´re not using pre-rendered cutscenes);
-on-screen items interaction;
-doors and levers;
-health, experience and armor system;
-combat system;
And other stuff like magic and system menus (save,load,control mapping, resolution, etc). That´s very dependable of all the look and feel you designed for the game, wich gives each game an unique signature.
Posted By: Widi

Re: role playing game - 04/26/11 10:01

Open your eyes! Click at: "this" in the post from MrGuest, this are links to this sites. There is also a link at this site up on the left side "Online Tutorial" and "Online Manual". The manual you have also in SED if you pressing F1. The AUM Magazines links are also on this site up left side...
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