Third person camera code?

Posted By: Siwler

Third person camera code? - 03/06/12 22:30

I'm looking for a good third person camaera and player movement snipped code, does anyone know of any?

I just realized that first person shooter will not work for my game. laugh
Posted By: FoxHound

Re: Third person camera code? - 03/07/12 01:10


camera.pan = my.pan;
camera.x = my.x - 200 * cos(my.pan);
camera.y = my.y - 200 * sin(my.pan);
camera.z = my.z + 20;
camera.tilt = -15;
camera.roll = 0;

I think that should work, been a long time since I wrote such a code.
Posted By: Siwler

Re: Third person camera code? - 03/07/12 23:07

I'm curious about who made 2010 Assault contest, I like the player movement. But it looks like who ever made it does not want to share main.c and player controls files.

He or she shared all other files but not the main.c and player files.
I would like to know how that person made players controls, it would be nice if he/she would like to share.
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