AI Don't Move

Posted By: Sorrowful

AI Don't Move - 09/16/12 10:08

ENTITY* dusman_en;
var tarat_v;
VECTOR don_dus;
var dusmanslm;
var tarat_v_d;

action dusman()
	dusman_en = me;
	//dusman_en.lightrange = 200;
     tarat_v = c_scan(my.x,my.pan,vector(150,0,1000),SCAN_ENTS|IGNORE_PASSABLE);
     if(tarat_v > 0&&you==player)
     dusmanslm += 3.13*time_step;
     tarat_v_d = c_scan(my.x,my.pan,vector(5,0,5),SCAN_ENTS|IGNORE_PASSABLE);
     	ent_animate(me,"scatt",my.skill2,ANM_CYCLE); // hit
     	my.skill2 += 2;

Character don't move...Only turning And doesnt scatt animation
Posted By: GameScore

Re: AI Don't Move - 09/16/12 10:41

take a look at aum 57
there is a nice example for an ai

action my_enemy // attach this action to your enemies
	var idle_percentage = 0;
	var run_percentage = 0;
	var death_percentage = 0;
	var content_right; // tracks the content in front of the player
	var content_left; // tracks the content in front of the player
	my.polygon = on; // use accurate collision detection = 100;
	my.enable_impact = on; // the enemy is sensitive to impact with player's bullets
	my.event = got_shot; // and runs this function when it is hit
	my.status = idle; // that's the same thing with my.skill1 = 1; (really!)
	while (my.status != dead) // this loop will run for as long as my.skill1 isn't equal to 3
		if (my.status == idle) // hanging around?
			ent_animate(my, "stand", idle_percentage, anm_cycle); // play the "stand" aka idle animation
			idle_percentage += 3 * time; // "3" controls the animation speed
			if (vec_dist (player.x, my.x) < 1000) // the player has come too close?
				// scanned in the direction of the pan angle and detected the player?
				if ((c_scan(my.x, my.pan, vector(120, 60, 1000), ignore_me) > 0) && (you == player))
					my.status = attacking; // then attack the player even if it hasn't fired at the enemy yet
		if (my.status == attacking) // shooting at the player?
			// the road is clear? then rotate the enemy towards the player
			if (c_content (content_right.x, 0) + c_content (content_left.x, 0) == 2) 
				vec_set(temp, player.x); 
				vec_to_angle(my.pan, temp); // turn the enemy towards the player
			if (vec_dist (player.x, my.x) > 500)
				vec_set(content_right, vector(50, -20, -15));
				vec_rotate(content_right, my.pan);
				vec_add(content_right.x, my.x);
				if (c_content (content_right.x, 0) != 1) // this area isn't clear?
					my.pan += 5 * time; // then rotate the enemy, allowing it to avoid the obstacle
				vec_set(content_left, vector(50, 20, -15));
				vec_rotate(content_left, my.pan);
				vec_add(content_left.x, my.x);
				if (c_content (content_left.x, 0) != 1) // this area isn't clear?
					my.pan -= 5 * time; // then rotate the enemy, allowing it to avoid the obstacle
				c_move (my, vector(10 * time, 0, 0), nullvector, glide);
				ent_animate(my, "run", run_percentage, anm_cycle); // play the "run" animation
				run_percentage += 6 * time; // "6" controls the animation speed
				ent_animate(my, "alert", 100, null); // use the last frame from the "alert" animation here
			if ((total_frames % 80) == 1) // fire a bullet each second
				vec_for_vertex (temp, my, 8);
				// create the bullet at enemy's position and attach it the "move_enemy_bullets" function
				ent_create (bullet_mdl, temp, move_enemy_bullets); 
			if (vec_dist (player.x, my.x) > 1500) // the player has moved far away from the enemy?
				my.status = idle; // then switch to "idle"
		wait (1);
	while (death_percentage < 100) // the loop runs until the "death" animation percentage reaches 100%	
		ent_animate(my, "deatha", death_percentage, null); // play the "die" animation only once
		death_percentage += 3 * time; // "3" controls the animation speed
		wait (1);
	my.passable = on; // allow the player to pass through the corpse now

Posted By: 3run

Re: AI Don't Move - 09/16/12 10:44

Probably stuck somehow, BTW does your model contain "walk" and/or "scatt" animations?

Edit: try this one, I've edited it a little bit:
action dusman()
	VECTOR temp;
	var scan_result[2];
	var animation_percent[3];
	// wait till player is created!
	while(!player){ wait(1); }
		// scan for player:
		scan_result[0] = c_scan(my.x, my.pan, vector(150, 0, 1000), move_mode);
		// if found one:
		if(scan_result[0] > 0 && you == player)
			// handle animations:
			scan_result[1] = c_scan(my.x, my.pan, vector(5, 0, 5), move_mode);
			if(scan_result[1] > 1)
				// if near something (I don't really know why you scan again..)
				ent_animate(me, "scatt", animation_percent[0], ANM_CYCLE); // hit
				animation_percent[0] += 2 * time_step; // DON'T FORGET TO USE "time_step" !!
				// walk here!!
				ent_animate(me, "walk", animation_percent[1], ANM_CYCLE);
				animation_percent[1] += 3.13 * time_step;
			// turn to player:
			vec_set(temp, player.x);	
			vec_sub(temp, my.x);
			vec_to_angle(my.pan, temp);
			// don't allow to change TILT (looks weird):
			my.tilt = 0;
			// move to target:
			move_mode = IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE;
			c_move(me, vector(14 * time_step, 0, 0),nullvector, move_mode);
		else // if player wasn't found:
			// play stand animation here:
			ent_animate(me, "stand", animation_percent[2], ANM_CYCLE);
			animation_percent[2] += 2 * time_step;

I didn't test it, but it shouldn't crash. Plus, it's better organized! You should always take care of that, to make your script more readable. And you also, should handle such situations, where "player" wasn't found (add). And script should work with multiply bots at the same time, cause of using external variables and vector (better use skills for this). Please, read comments, I hope this will be useful.
Posted By: Sorrowful

Re: AI Don't Move - 09/16/12 10:50

model have walk and scatt animation

but but I want to make an enemy approaches scatt animation
Posted By: 3run

Re: AI Don't Move - 09/16/12 11:04

Try script which I've added. Plus, could you explain what are you trying to archive with "scatt" animations and second "c_scan".
Posted By: Sorrowful

Re: AI Don't Move - 09/16/12 12:26

why don't move? c_move?
Posted By: 3run

Re: AI Don't Move - 09/16/12 13:00

which animation does model play?
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