Sprite Rotation Glitch

Posted By: Altarius

Sprite Rotation Glitch - 01/28/13 03:14


I taked a look at the 2d game exemple in AUM 83 and i am wondering why the pixel on sprite used for the character seem to deform when the sprite rotate.

Ive trying a couple another image format.. always the same thing.. maybe the engine are just bad whit 2d?
Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: Sprite Rotation Glitch - 01/28/13 03:23

The engine is perfectly fine with 2d. Please describe your problem in more detail. It's not even clear what you're exactly talking about. A sprite usually is an entity, but the workshop mostly talks about panels. Apart from that I cannot spot anything deformed in that workshop. A screenshot might help to make your problem clearer.
Posted By: Altarius

Re: Sprite Rotation Glitch - 01/28/13 03:46

I have rotated the left one at runtime using:

char_pan.center_x = char_pan.size_x * 0.5;
char_pan.center_y = char_pan.size_y * 0.5;
char_pan.angle = 2 * (key_cur - key_cul) * time_step;

So what wrong.. the rotated one look horrible.

Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: Sprite Rotation Glitch - 01/28/13 14:38

That indeed looks pretty ugly. Looks like you haven't set the FILTER flag for the panel. Thats how it looks for me:

Posted By: Altarius

Re: Sprite Rotation Glitch - 01/29/13 20:52

Cool! that work well now whit FILTER flag.

Thx a lot.
Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: Sprite Rotation Glitch - 01/29/13 21:21

I'm glad I could help.
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