Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team

Posted By: Gamesaint762

Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 03/20/09 05:22

Im looking to build up some things for my demo reel. Payed or non-payed is fine. I can rig characters and do animations. I would like to work with a team that has an interesting game idea and with some talented artists. I can show samples of some of the animations that I have done. If your interested contact me via email at or use for an MSN contact. You can also just post here. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks!
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 03/20/09 17:54

We might have some work for you soonish, you may recieve an email soon.

Spearbang Productions

Posted By: Gamesaint762

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 03/20/09 22:02

Just send me an email or get with me via MSN. Im curious to know what kind of game your doing. GS out.
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 03/21/09 10:04

Ok, will do these are our sites
Posted By: Gamesaint762

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 03/21/09 18:21

Couldnt really see the screens of your project that well. It did not appear to be shots from the game but rather renders from another program. Anyway looks like a Fantasy Game and thats always interesting. Anyone else? Im ready to animate! GS out.
Posted By: foxter888

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 03/30/09 04:59

I just have a question fot you do you have any good low poly character modeling tutorials??/ I can model and rig but people are really hard for me I can do real people but not low poly like if I wanted to add a soldier with armor or a backpack any help would be apreciated thanks....
Posted By: Gamesaint762

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 03/30/09 19:07

Look on 3dtotal site and or on CG society. There are some videos and other things out there you just have to search. GS out.
Posted By: Locoweed

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 03/31/09 09:06

Hello Gamesaint,

Our team is really in need of someone who can animate and rig models with knowledge of 3DGS and how it works.

The project has been in works for a couple years and we are porting from C-Script to Lite-C at the moment, but the game play is very unique.

The game is a Multiplayer combination RTS/FPS game. Since we are still porting I can't show much, but below is a condence video of some of the where the port is at as far the RTS part of game is currently at.

We really need someone who is familiar with 3DGS to to rig and animate the models we have. Don't really need modeler, just animation and rigging.

Sample Movie (bad quality or it would be too large)

I will send you email with more info soon to see if you interested and get more information about you.

Frederick 'Locoweed" Sims
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 03/31/09 11:51

I can recommend gamesaint's work to anyone. He does professional work at a fast pace. His work is beyond what most of us have seen around here.
Posted By: foxter888

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/01/09 08:29

hey locoweed i can help out i can rig and animate but not texture I suck at it and modeling depends meaning not people,

i can do different shot animations like walk,puch,kick jump and the regular body movements i can work with any type it won't matter I use maya if you would like to just send me the model you would like me to work on and what kind of things you want on them. it can be a maya file,obj,fbx or a med file

my e-mail is:

it will take me about couple of days to finish

oh I saw the video the models look very cool i like the textures.

and you need like more elements on the game it looks really empty being so big of a terrain like houses or buildings, roads and stuff like that.
gui I like it...

you guys know any good full tutorials??? like a whole tutorial for a fighting game that works?? not the s-script version by the way...

oh I forgot to say I do music too in case you guys want me to make any. I play guitar,piano,bass and drums I can do any stile from classical,metal rock or even anime music and hip hop as a matter of fact this is the link for the rap beats I made for this rapper

check it out the song allow me i made it for a template shooting game from gamestudion so I sold it to him.. (jon salt)
i'm his beat maker...
Posted By: Gamesaint762

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/01/09 13:35

Hey Foxter888, Please do not hijack my thread. You can send other members private messages or contact by email. GS out.
Posted By: Gamesaint762

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/06/09 21:35

Still available for work! GS out.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/22/09 15:10

I can recommend gamesaint's work to anyone. He does professional work at a fast pace. His work is beyond what most of us have seen around here.
I originally recommended gamesaint because he requested me to, and he assured me that his work would be top-rate and timely.

Unfortunately I never got the animation he promised because he apparently could not finish it or something else went wrong. Therefore I have to take back my recommendation and apologize for recommending anyone based on their "promise" instead of the actual delivery.

Next time I recommend someone for art work or otherwise, we can be darn sure that they can do what they say they can do.
Posted By: Gamesaint762

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/22/09 15:21

Funny how you slam me on this forum and not to my face. I am on MSN everyday and you did not ask me anything. I told you that my time is very limited and I will finish the animations for you. Please be paitent, I have a fulltime Job and do freelance work. My drive to work each day is 2 hours one way not mention that I have a 9 month old son who has been very sick because he has asthma. However Im not petty and your little recommendation now matter how great or small doesnt change the fact that I was doing this for free and gave you no timeframe, nor was I given one. I am a professional rigger and animatior who has to work to provide for my 6 children and wife. They come first as does paid work. Sorry you feel like you have been cheated or wronged in some way, that was not my intention. GS out.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/22/09 15:32

Funny how your story has changed. First you tell me your gonna be done a month ago, then you brag about some other projects you picked up. Then I show you how to get models and animations in the engine. Then you come up with this sob story about your kids and how hard your working as if noone else works hard...

If you were having such a problem with your sick kids, why did you keep trying to pick up contracts even before you were done with mine?

And if my recommendation is so insignificant, why did you ask for me to give it?

Bottom line. Don't tell me you are gonna do something if you can't. Its as simple as that.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/22/09 19:36

not to be offensive or anything, but anytime your getting free work from someone who does it as a profession, you have to consider your work on a back burner, I once in a while will give some of my clients a freebie or two (kinda rarely but sometimes) and i alwasy make sure its clear that if cash starts running low, I need to focus more on any paid work i can get.
Posted By: Gamesaint762

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/22/09 19:45


Im sorry that I didnt get it to you sooner. I keep my word but we never had a contract and I told you that after I did that one model I would have work comming up. We never had a written contract, thats something you get when you pay for it. Your asking me to drop things for your game project but consider your own children, would you do the same? think of what you wrote to me and the discussions we had. The subjects we discussed... Is this how you react to the storm? Maybe you need to rethink it. Sign on to MSN and lets settle this like real men. Im not mad at you but this bickering is childish and I should have not made it public. Regardless I will get you the model you asked for. GS out.
Posted By: LarryLaffer

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/22/09 21:39

Locoweed: I was pretty impressed with your video and game idea. I had a similar idea a few months back, i was wondering if you're actually building the same thing (it'd be very exciting, cause i think it's an AWESOME concept for a game that has NEVER been done before and I can't understand why).. So, here's my concept, tell me if you're doing something like that:

As an example, say it's a 1v1 game... Since we're talking about a MMO game (at least i am), that means, at least 12-22 players will be playing... let's say it's 22.. So..

2 players are the commanders and they're playing an RTS game.. Each commander has 10 human players in his team.. When the commander player builds a soldier from the barracks, a human player can be assigned to that soldier, and he'll be playing him in FPS mode.. He can do as he likes, but when the commander selects that soldier and gives him a command (f.e. right click to go somewhere.. or right click on an enemy unit to attack it), what will happen is, there will be an objective on that FPS player's screen on the top left corner saying: "Primary Objective: Move to Location x=400 y=200 (and a pin point on his mini map), OR, Attack (x) enemy solider or building. If that FPS player follows the objective successfully he'll be awarded with points. These points are worth more than just fragging people left and right. If that player dies, he will wait until there's another available soldier built from the barracks to be assigned to.

And that's pretty much it.. There could be CTF missions, or it could be more of a Commandos game than an RTS game, and the commander player makes up the plan and gives his commands, and the FPS players can control units with unique abilities for each one, like in the Commandos games, or Team Fortress 2.

Anyhow, let me know if that's what you mean by FPS/RTS. I know I won't be making this game any time soon so i'm just excited to hear that someone else is..

Nitro: If you never saw any of gamesaint's work you shouldn't have said things like: "His work is beyond what most of us have seen around here." in the first place.. That's just lying.. If GS asked for a recommendation you should have just said what your experience was with him at the time, like "He looks like a capable fella. I'm very excited about working with him, and appreciate that he'll be making models for my project for free.." or something like that.. Also, even though promising stuff and taking it back is never good and GS should try not to do this, I can definitely relate. I've recently promised to bupaje, who I respect very much, a free tutorial for his site. However, sh*t hit the fan and I couldn't deliver. Bupaje didn't nailed me to the cross for it, instead he was cool saying that whenever I can make that tutorial would be great (and he still kept an ad of IntenseX to his site, even if he got nothing in return). Same goes for all my Intense X customers; time and time again I promise things that I fail to deliver. I'm not proud of that, but that's the life of a developer, always straggling with deadlines. We really want to help and there's no deceipt in mind when we're promising deadlines. But sometimes we can't make good on those promises. I think that since no money was involved in this, you should be understanding instead of turning against gs for failing to meet a deadline on what I can tell was just a favor and not a job.

Anyway, to stay on-topic I'd like to recommend Gamesaint to anyone thinking of hiring him. I've actually seen his work, and me and him go way back and he's a hard working developer with lots of passion for his work. If you want some animation/rigging and even modeling done, he's your guy..

Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/22/09 22:50

Just because it is free should not make much difference though, if he leaves my project to go after money jobs, what is to say that he will not leave a low money job to seek after higher paying job?

If someone here gives him $100, what will happen to your project if someone offers him $1000 later, do you leave the first project? You cannot leave in the middle of it with no explanations, you must finish the job.

Just because I am an indy game devloper with no money does not mean that I am not a serious game developer also. When I make deals with people I expect them to stay true to their word.

In this case he was having trouble with his rig for the "death" animation so I told him to send me the model without the "death" animation. I even told him that if he wanted to back out of the project that it would be fine with me, I repeated that several times but he assured me that he was going to finish it. So in reality I told him again and again that he should just quit this project and do something else but he kept telling me again and again that he would finish it next week, then the next week...before you know it there was a month gone by and he comes back with no explanations except that he wants me to teach him to export models into the engine for another client. So I spend 2 hours teaching him to do it, which is something I wouldnt normally do for free.

Then dont get me started on all the time I spent with him on msn chat hoping that he would just be quiet because I had a lot of work to do myself. Just think, instead of doing all that useless blabbing, he could have finished my animations. Because he talks every TIME we are on msn I have to pretend I am offline.

If you never saw any of gamesaint's work you shouldn't have said things like: "His work is beyond what most of us have seen around here." in the first place.. That's just lying.
No Larry, he sent me an .avi and he sent me the walk cycle.

But if you ask me if I would want another animation by him I would say no even if it was free. I dont even really want the one he is working on now. At first he kept insisting that he was glad to make it, but now that I find out that he has a sick kid to take care of I would rather he just keep it and I will never do business with him again.

Im sorry that I didnt get it to you sooner. I keep my word but we never had a contract and I told you that after I did that one model I would have work comming up. We never had a written contract, thats something you get when you pay for it
If a man's spoken word is not trustworthy, then his written contract is just as bogus. There have been many people burned on deals with written contracts also.

I'm not proud of that, but that's the life of a developer, always straggling with deadlines.
To be honest Larry, you are another one who really needs to be true to your word. Many good software companies out there dont make vain promises, you can tell the difference between bad ones and good ones by their ability to stay true. But this is a different issue than yours anyway. This is not an issue of gamesaint not able to make the deadline, it is an issue of him leaving the project for a better offer and leaving me out to dry just because he could. There is a big difference.

Posted By: Gamesaint762

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/23/09 01:41

I made a promise to God, my wife and children long before I met you. My responsibilities as a Man, husband and father come before your game project. Now tell me who I am more concerned with? You and or the people I am bound to take care of no matter what. Im sorry you feel this way but you will get exactly what you are asking for. Btw There was no deadline, no contract and no money. Thats not much of an agreement. The laborer is worthy of his hire and you didnt hire me. Serious game developer? How many published titles do you have? How many games have you worked on? How many people work for you? Is the answer zero? Yeah I think it is. What kind of a man makes light of the fact and or dismisses the fact that one of my children is sick and expects me to forget that and give him a game asset for free? Man you need to smell what your shoveling... MODERATOR CLOSE THIS PLEASE! GS out.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/23/09 02:01


Just because it is free should not make much difference though, if he leaves my project to go after money jobs, what is to say that he will not leave a low money job to seek after higher paying job?

If someone here gives him $100, what will happen to your project if someone offers him $1000 later, do you leave the first project? You cannot leave in the middle of it with no explanations, you must finish the job.

there very much is a difference. someone doing free work for you is a favor, someone paying you to do work is a job. An example is something that happened to me just a few months ago. Being 20 years old and without a car sucks, I went to go take my driving test. The test was scheduled two weeks ahead of time and I was to use my bestfriends car. Unfortunately he got scheduled for that time at work and I couldn't go. Was I dissappointed? Yes. Did it screw me over a bit? Yes. Was it his fault? Absolutely not, and I hold nothing against him because the fact is, work first favors later, and thats just how life is.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 04/23/09 04:11

What kind of a man makes light of the fact and or dismisses the fact that one of my children is sick and expects me to forget that and give him a game asset for free?
I guess you didn't read my last post, let me spell it out for you. I don't_want_your_work_for_anything,so go take care of your kid, I release you from any obligation.

Today is the first day I heard about your kid, and I have never made light of it or dismissed it.I have kids too, but my kids know that if I tell someone I do something than I would rather suffer than go back on my word. Since you ask what kind of man I am that is the kind of man I am.

You can conduct your business however you feel like it, you can say that only money or contracts are important, but whatever I tell someone IS my contract and its very important to me.

Maybe you will find plenty of freelance work here, good luck! I hope the best for you and your family, I really do.

Posted By: Gamesaint762

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 05/11/09 22:13

Still looking for an additional paid project. If you need quality modeling, rigging or animation please contact me via email, PM or MSN. GS out.
Posted By: Realspawn

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Established Team - 05/18/09 21:14

just my 2 cents. If you have a busy life with family work and freelance money deals you should not offer your services here.
After all people expect to see work as you are the person that claims to do it smile

In my experience it sucks if people say they will help for free and have skills but can't live up to the expetations they give the one that is asking for help.

Just my 2 cents in the discussion.

Posted By: Gamesaint762

Re: Animator/Rigger Looking for Work - 05/19/09 15:57

Still looking for animation/rigging and modeling work. I also can use zbrush and can provide normal, AO and specular maps. If you need anything let me know as my rates are very reasonable. Some recent work models... For animation samples contact me via MSN using as a contact address. GS out.

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