Problem with passing struct elements to a dll function

Posted By: Niels

Problem with passing struct elements to a dll function - 02/06/17 08:07


This is my first post, so hello to everybody, happy to start sharing ideas with all of you.

I am trying to use a separate dll library to perform regression with Support Vector Machine in Zorro. The library is libsvm.dll and contains several functions. It is a C++ library with a C-API (compiled with EXTERN C).

I declare and initialise the required dll functions prototypes in my header, for example :
const char* __cdecl svm_check_parameter(const svm_problem *prob, const svm_parameter *param);
#define PRAGMA_API svm_check_parameter;libsvm!svm_check_parameter

I am able to call the dll functions in the run (or main) script, however the functions seems not to recognise some struct components (variables) passed through the function argument as a pointer, and so doesn’t work properly.My header SVM.h with the structs :
#ifndef SVM_h
#define SVM_h

// Some definitions

#define C_SVC 0
#define NU_SV 1
#define ONE_CLASS 2
#define EPSILON_SVR 3
#define NU_SVR 4

#define LINEAR 0
#define POLY 1
#define RBF 2
#define SIGMOID 3

//Struct definitions

typedef struct 
	int index;
	double value;
} svm_node;

typedef struct 
	int l;
	double *y;
	svm_node **x;
} svm_problem;

typedef struct 
	int svm_type;
	int kernel_type;
	int degree;	// for poly
	double gamma;	// for poly/rbf/sigmoid
	double coef0;	// for poly/sigmoid
	// these are for training only
	float cache_size; // in MB
	double eps;	// stopping criteria
	double C;	// for C_SVC, EPSILON_SVR and NU_SVR
	int nr_weight;		// for C_SVC
	int *weight_label;	// for C_SVC
	double* weight;		// for C_SVC
	double nu;	// for NU_SVC, ONE_CLASS, and NU_SVR
	double p;	// for EPSILON_SVR
	int shrinking;	// use the shrinking heuristics
	int probability; // do probability estimates
} svm_parameter;

// svm_model 
typedef struct
	svm_parameter param;	// parameter
	int nr_class;		// number of classes, = 2 in regression/one class svm
	int l;			// total #SV
	svm_node **SV;		// SVs (SV[l])
	double **sv_coef;	// coefficients for SVs in decision functions (sv_coef[k-1][l])
	double *rho;		// constants in decision functions (rho[k*(k-1)/2])
	double *probA;		// pariwise probability information
	double *probB;
	int *sv_indices;        // sv_indices[0,...,nSV-1] are values in [1,...,num_traning_data] to indicate SVs in the training set */
	// for classification only
	int *label;		// label of each class (label[k])
	int *nSV;		// number of SVs for each class (nSV[k])
                	// nSV[0] + nSV[1] + ... + nSV[k-1] = l
	// XXX
	int free_sv;		// 1 if svm_model is created by svm_load_model
                     // 0 if svm_model is created by svm_train
} svm_model;


// Train and predict functions
svm_model* __cdecl svm_train(const svm_problem *prob, const svm_parameter *param); //return a pointer to a SVM model
#define PRAGMA_API svm_train;libsvm!svm_train

double __cdecl svm_predict(const svm_model *model, const svm_node *x);
#define PRAGMA_API svm_predict;libsvm!svm_predict

//Check function
const char* __cdecl svm_check_parameter(const svm_problem *prob, const svm_parameter *param);
#define PRAGMA_API svm_check_parameter;libsvm!svm_check_parameter


My main function :
// Preprocessors                                                                   +
#include <default.c>                         
#include <SVM.h> 

//Run                                                                              +

function main()

// SVM variables----------------------------------------------+       
   int i,m,j;
   double norm_x;
   svm_parameter  param;/
   svm_problem prob;
   svm_node* x_space;
 //Fill in a parameter structure      
    param.svm_type = EPSILON_SVR;
 param.kernel_type = LINEAR; = 1;	// for poly  
 param.gamma = 0.5; 			//default 1/number of features
   param.coef0 = 0;	// for poly/sigmoid
   param.cache_size = 100.0; // in MB defaut 100 
 param.eps = 0.001;			//default 0.001
 param.C= 1.0;					//default 1
	param.nr_weight = 0;		// for C_SVC 
	param.weight_label = NULL;	// for C_SVC 
	param.weight = NULL;		// for C_SVC = 0.5;	// for NU_SVC, ONE_CLASS, and NU_SVR 
 param.p = 0.1; 			   //the epsilon for SVR default 0.1
	param.shrinking = 0;	// use the shrinking heuristics 
	param.probability = 0; // do probability estimates 

 //Problem structure definition and filling 
   prob.l = 11;       // number of training data

// INPUT and DATA preparation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+            	     
   //Input target
   int feat = 1;
   int elements = prob.l * (feat+1);
   prob.y = malloc(sizeof(double)*prob.l);    
   prob.x = malloc(sizeof(svm_node*)*prob.l);   
   x_space = malloc(sizeof(svm_node)*elements); 
   for(i=0; i<prob.l; i++){  // lines     
      (prob.x)[i] = &x_space[j]; 
      x_space[j].index = 1;  // only one indice
      norm_x = (double)i/(prob.l-1.0);
      x_space[j].value = norm_x;           
      //next col j
      ++j;   // here same as j++ 
      x_space[j].index = -1;
   (prob.y)[0] = 1;
   (prob.y)[1] = 6;
   (prob.y)[2] = 4;
   (prob.y)[3] = 8;
   (prob.y)[4] = 15;
   (prob.y)[5] = 12;
   (prob.y)[6] = 18;
   (prob.y)[7] = 20;
   (prob.y)[8] = 19; 
   (prob.y)[9] = 22;
   (prob.y)[10] = 25;
   //************Here param.C value is not correctly passed
    char* err;
    err = svm_check_parameter(&prob, &param); 
    if(*err!=NULL) watch("Check: ", err);  // returns me C<=0 by the external function
    watch("C: ", param.C);  // returns me correctly 1.0


For example when I initialise param.C and call svm_check_parameter(&prob, &param) the functions returns me an error : C<=0 , however when I check param.C with “watch” it gives me 1.0.

Strangely, I also hade the same problem with param.cache_size whose value was not recognised by the same dll function. But I resolve it by changing it to a float, whereas a double is expected in the original dll function.

I also tried to declare my struct as global, but this doesn’t change anything.

Does anyone have any idea how to make this work?

Thank you for your help or comments.
Posted By: Niels

Re: Problem with passing struct elements to a dll function - 02/06/17 18:14

A quick update :

Values in the dll function are :
Size of struct pointer 4
Size of struct 96
Address of struct pointer 01BC9EA0
param.svm_type 3 -> OK
param.kernel_type 0 -> OK 1 ->OK
param.gamma 0.000000 -> WRONG from here
param.cache_size 0.001000
param.eps 1.000000
param.C 0.000000
param.nr_weight 0.000000
param.weight_label 0BBA5104
param.weight 0BBA5108 0.000000
param.p -0.000000
param.shrinking 1413567571
param.probability 21333

In zorro script :
Initiated values are correct
Size of struct pointer 4
Size of struct 58
Address of struct pointer 01BC9EC8
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