Import CSV

Posted By: BigW

Import CSV - 07/08/22 11:22

I am trying to import a csv file in Yahoo format as per the required format in the CSVtoHistory script without success.
CSV attached as well as a snapshot of the history editor.

Whats weird and frustrating is that it appears to read correctly ie the script runs ok but the process overwrites the dates with a single date so the chart does not load and looks like a step function.
Using the Z history editor shows this for the t6 files.

Any idea what I am doing wrong here?
Thank you - maybe a simple error or setting?


Attached File
KWE_LN2.csv  (52 downloads)
Attached picture csverror.PNG
Posted By: Spirit

Re: Import CSV - 07/09/22 20:28

I'm no csv conversion specialist but when the dates are wrong I would first check the date format string. If you cannot fix it you can hire the support for this.
Posted By: monarch

Re: Import CSV - 07/10/22 12:06

Hi - Use this format string.

string Format = "0%Y-%m-%d,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6";

And leave the rest of the CSVtoHistory script intact. This should do the trick.

We must use zero(0) in the beginning to tell Zorro that there are no headers.
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