user function descriptions

Posted By: ulillillia

user function descriptions - 08/06/06 11:31

When a user creates their own functions and wants to call them later on, it can sometimes be tricky to know what each parameter does or what the function does. What I'm thinking of is, if a block of comments is the first thing within a function not in the format of code (as from commenting out bad code or code that isn't working), a description of the function would be shown in the command help area, and this description matches what the block of comments has. Some precursor like "Help: " could be of use. This could also be helpful for panels, texts, actions, almost anything, even a font, bmap, string, or variable definition. Here's an example:


var something = 4; // Help: what is this variable used for?

function convert_to_percent_alpha(main_alpha)
Help: Converts an 8-bit alpha value to percentage alpha
for use in Gamestudio. The parameter is the 8-bit alpha
value, from 0 to 255.

return((main_alpha+0.5)*100/255); // returns the result and rounds

action some_action
Help: Makes an entity partially transparent and makes not
dynamic allowing for a faster frame rate as the entity using
this action does not move.

an_entity.transparent = on;
my.alpha = convert_to_percent_alpha(187); // 11/15 transparent
my.dynamic = off; // speed up rendering for this nonmoving entity

If the cursor was over the "convert_to_percent_alpha(xxx)" part, the content help section would display the help content "Converts an 8-bit alpha value...". This way, when several functions are used in your script, sometimes with similar behaviors and names, it'll be quicker and easier to see what that function does without having to click on it in the code jumper, read the description, and find where you last where (or even open another file if it's contents within an included file).
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