SED interface suggestions

Posted By: JetpackMonkey

SED interface suggestions - 05/17/08 12:38

Some suggestions for small improvements to SED that would make big improvements for users:

RIGHT CLICK MENU: CHANGE CASE -> UPPER / LOWER (useful for switching from Lite C to C-Script and backwards, since declarationss like string and STRING change cases a lot.

SHIFT-PAGE-UP: Go to previous bookmark

SHIFT-PAGE-DOWN: Go to next bookmark
Posted By: testDummy

Re: SED interface suggestions - 05/18/08 19:53

Seconded somewhat.

However, the number of capitalization conversations may be numerous, and converting bit by bit via right-click...

Right, C-Script is case-insensitive and C is not.
SDK & Diet-C: structs often capitalized

I remember jumping bookmarks in SED somewhat satisfactorily,
with improvement still desired.

A number of features found in Notepad++ might be useful in varying degrees.
1. bulk replace whole word string -> STRING, all open documents
2. go to another view (side by side comparison)
3. TextFX sort
4. HexEditor (Plugin)
5. Compare (Plugin, like WinDiff) ***
Probably, to a limited extent, Notepad++ can be used instead of SED for Diet-C and C-Script.

Also, in C, as ~recalled, the following may be of no use:

// but check that

Posted By: VeT

Re: SED interface suggestions - 05/19/08 13:00

one more thing:
its supposed to be usefull to make "use current file for Test Run" for different files

for example, i have a project, that consist of number of files
i have about 4-5 files opened in SED (so i want to launch all project from any of them)
and as i open file from another project(that consists, say, from 1 file), it would be useful to be able to launch that file exactly

here is a picture:

i want to launch my main project's file, called "Agora.c" if "PlayerMain.c" or "PlayerPhys.c" is active... and to launch "shaderTest.c" if it is active

of course, "shaderTest.c" is marked in different way to show that exactly that file would launch if it is active

what are you thinking about it?
Posted By: Quad

Re: SED interface suggestions - 05/19/08 13:08

or a shift+click(ctrl+shift+f5) runs current tab, normal click(ctrl+f5) runs defined main script?
Posted By: VeT

Re: SED interface suggestions - 05/19/08 14:17

yes, you understand what i mean :-)
Posted By: VeT

Re: SED interface suggestions - 05/19/08 17:19

mmm... or just a new button "Run Current" (with hotkey ctrl+shift+f5 or just f6) ?
Posted By: William

Re: SED interface suggestions - 05/20/08 02:17

Or maybe a little drop down menu in the tool bar to choose from the last 10 previously run scripts. That way you can change what script you will run with the engine very quickly no matter what script you are viewing.
Posted By: VeT

Re: SED interface suggestions - 05/20/08 18:19

hm, no, this wouldn't be fast enough... best desition, imho, is new button "Run Current"
Posted By: William

Re: SED interface suggestions - 05/23/08 21:08

I was thinking, can we also have a 2 little check box's in SED, one setting "-cl" and one setting "-sv" for the runtime? This would make multiplayer testing much much easier!
Posted By: jcl

Re: SED interface suggestions - 05/26/08 07:39

Many good suggestions. SED is on low priority at the moment, but I'll keep them in mind for the next SED update.
Posted By: Tobias

Re: SED interface suggestions - 05/26/08 10:20

The possibility to right click on a variable and select "Add Watch".
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