Truebones support it MED..

Posted By: Nidhogg

Truebones support it MED.. - 07/17/08 19:26

Hi, Any chance of the above topic, Would make animations a
whole lot easier for us lazy people.. smile
If people are wondering what I am talking about,
Here is a link. Pre made bone animations for models.
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Truebones support it MED.. - 07/17/08 20:13

There's already a quite easy way to use bvh files for models in MED.
You need the free tool bvhacker to optimise the bvh file for your purposes.
Then you need fragmotion to combine the model with the bones and export them as a mdl7 file.

In MED you can do all the optimizing and fine-tuning and so on, there is only one issue:
when exporting from fragmotion, it seems that the model is set at a higher position within all frames except the first one!

You can solve that by adding a new bone in MED, let's place it between the feet, and connect it to the main bone (the 'uber parent') of the skeleton.
The disadvantage of this step is that you loose the 'bouncing' movement of the whole body what you have to re-'animate' frame by frame.
Posted By: Nidhogg

Re: Truebones support it MED.. - 07/18/08 17:18

That's good to know, But why use to programs? Then there's the part about
a person still has to correct a couple of issues.
But I agree, it is a good work around...

Thanks for the tip..
Posted By: Skeksis

Re: Truebones support it MED.. - 07/19/08 09:44

I would like to be able to load bvh (or similar mocap files) through lite-c, similar to the way it works in the GTA games. The mesh and bones are stored in one file and the animations in another, this way you can have multiple characters rigged with the same bone structure and apply a single animation to any of them. Maybe this isn't possible, I don't really know, but it would save space and would also take less time when animating characters.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Truebones support it MED.. - 07/19/08 14:32

I think there is .bvh import for milkshape also. Then you can export from milkshape to MED. Try that.

Med is also surpirsiningly resilient in solving orinetation conflicts. I searched for days trying to find a way to make all of my mocaps orient in the same direction because some mocaps were along the x axis, some along the -x, some along the z axis(etc). The neat thing about MED is that you can change the oreintations of each animation. Like if you have a "stand" mocap going in the x direction and you have a "walk" animation going in the z direction, and you were unable to resolve the issue in your modeling package(mine happens to be maya), MED is able to turn them in whichever direction.

MED's usefulness never ceases to amaze me.
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