WED print out?!?!

Posted By: GamerX

WED print out?!?! - 09/24/08 18:35

Ok i don't know if this has been said or not but i would really

love for WED to have a print option and be able to print like at

least the top view so that when i am going through a level that

takes like 2 hours to build i can mark the places were i need to

fix and such. Any1 else feel the same way?
Posted By: mk_1

Re: WED print out?!?! - 09/24/08 21:09

take a screenshot
Posted By: Quad

Re: WED print out?!?! - 09/24/08 21:22

yea, a print color scheme and screenshot would work.

blue = model, light blue = terrain, black=block etc. you can make a color scheme yourseld see WED file->preferences.

(make 2 color schemes one for working one for print, you can save/load them.)
Posted By: GamerX

Re: WED print out?!?! - 09/25/08 01:10

Yea i that would work, still think a print option would be cool. Thanks, need a print out like this because my level takes like 3 hours to compile and i don't know why there isnt even any models in it yet its mostly just the layout and alot of lights.
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