MED moving/rotating/re-sizing

Posted By: GamerX

MED moving/rotating/re-sizing - 11/24/08 22:03

Ok any1 notice that when your moving things in med or resizing or rotating they move in to big of increments? Like im trying to get it to face one way but it moves to much and never gets straight. I am not sure if there is a way to move it in smaller increments because i haven't really used med much since i have auto desk and milkshape and a bunch others. I usually can just declare it in the script but sometimes i have 3 or 5 models going to one function and there not all rotated the same, and then i have to use skills and stuff and the code gets longer than it needs to be. Just wanted to throw this out there so maybe you can think about changing that.
Posted By: Quad

Re: MED moving/rotating/re-sizing - 11/24/08 22:29

there is a gear icon next to scale icon on med, click on it and you can change move snap etc.
Posted By: GamerX

Re: MED moving/rotating/re-sizing - 11/24/08 22:52

Ahh didn't see that. Yea didn't spend much time in med gues i should. Thanks!
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