Better Mirrors

Posted By: LarryLaffer

Better Mirrors - 05/06/09 10:39

I've been trying to figure out what's the best way to add mirrors using the latest A7 commercial edition...

I never liked the method where you had to leave an equal or bigger sized empty room behind the 'mirror' entity, to have an ala Terminator 2 Mirror effect.. I couldn't possibly ask from my level designer to do this every time he needs to add a mirror..

So, I'm guessing the latest working mirrors are fx_mirrorFloor() from mtlFX.c. So, a few things about that..

a) There's a typo inside mtlFx.c resulting in the new (as I understand it there's an old and a new mirror floor Fx inside mtlFX.c) mirror floor action to be inaccessible from WED. (mtlFX.c) Line 974, it says: "action fx_mirrorWater()" where it should say "action fx_mirrorFloor()".

b) I corrected the typo and applied the action to my mirror model and it works, but the mirrored idol is really, really jaggy:

Click here to see the image full-sized

It looks really bad, to the point where the whole effect becomes unusable.. Can anything be done about this?

c) Is there any way this effect can easily be modified to work for vertical mirrors? If you'll just say it's easy, I'll try to have a go at it myself.

All in all, I'm just trying to have a toilet sink mirror, like this:

Click here to see the image full-sized

Should I keep trying to work with the effect in mtlFX.c, or would it actually be easier to start looking for vertical mirror shader .fx files on the net?

You once said in a similar thread to let you know if I need any help with an Intense X feature.. The mirror stuff, is so I can add something like this to IX, for plug and play mirrors:

Click here to see the image full-sized

I use this method to import a model with an IX Action already attached to it with just 1 click. It's used on generic stuff like weapons, ammo, healthpacks, level entry/level exit, etc:

Click here to see the image full-sized

Posted By: jcl

Re: Better Mirrors - 05/12/09 08:58

For better quality, you'll just need a higher resolution of the mirror bitmap in the mtlFX.c; and for a bathroom mirror you'll need a different material event with a horizontal instead of a vertical reflection. I'll put this on my list.
Posted By: pegamode

Re: Better Mirrors - 08/27/09 10:48

Is there a code for a bathroom mirror by now?

Or could someone modify the code of the vertical reflection shader so that it can be used for a bathroom mirror?

Best regards,
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