ent_playloop && snd_tune

Posted By: flits

ent_playloop && snd_tune - 08/28/09 18:07


if i try to change the volume from a ent_playloop white the snd_tune it dont get it above 100

i would like to use somthing like 300

thx flits
Posted By: Dillinger

Re: ent_playloop && snd_tune - 08/29/09 23:30

I get it; you want your stereo to be louder than 100%.
You want an amplifier that goes up to 13? We can do that too! We please all kinds here.
No seriously, if you want your sound to play louder than 100%, you can open your audio file in an audio editing program like Acid or Pro Tools, max out the volume till it almost, but not quite goes into the red and export your audio file back into your game. If that doesn't help, simply go out and get some larger computer speakers laugh
On a side note: I have noticed that my computer speakers seem to get quieter over the years. One solution I've found was to go out to the drugstore and buy an earwax removal system. Also works wonders for your stereo headphones!
Posted By: fogman

Re: ent_playloop && snd_tune - 08/30/09 09:52

Nope - he just wants to give 300% ( means: 3000 Quants). That should be doable according to the manual:

ent_playsound ( ENTITY*, SOUND*, var volume);
ENTITY* Entity pointer.
SOUND* Sound pointer.
volume volume in percent, and range in 10 quant units (0..1000).

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