
Posted By: Gordon

ptr_first - 05/02/12 12:27

would it be possible to add a POSITION type to ptr_first so we could get the list of camera positions (hopefully they are stored as just a C_LINK list with no extra data).
Posted By: Gordon

Re: ptr_first - 05/02/12 12:29

ok well I guess they would have to have a vector for the location
Posted By: jcl

Re: ptr_first - 05/03/12 15:32

When you want to place a list of positions, use a path. Camera positions are only used in old versions as targets for c_scan.
Posted By: Gordon

Re: ptr_first - 05/03/12 15:38

Yes that could work in part. but the position also has an direction. It would still be a useful feature.
Posted By: jcl

Re: ptr_first - 05/03/12 15:40

A path node also has a direction; in fact paths were a replacement for camera positions. They are still there for compatibility reasons only.
Posted By: Gordon

Re: ptr_first - 05/04/12 01:08

OK.. I will try to use them for what I need. Thanks for the input..

Just input for you...

I am doing 2 and 2.5 D games and it is a real need to be able to have good rendered backgrounds with movement and that sounds like a level area to me. The position would be a good solution for me and maybe others to be able to move set the camera to position and vector... I will try with a path and see if I can make this work. OH btw doing all cut scenes with full 3d and not AVI...

Anyway thanks again for the input.
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