A searchable knowledgebase system

Posted By: ulillillia

A searchable knowledgebase system - 07/28/06 03:30

Like many companies do (my webhost (edatarack), Microsoft, and Spy Sweeper for some examples), Gamestudio should have a knowledgebase system for common issues like an invalid file name (due to spaces in the name), issues with the level because the level name is untitled (unsaved), or those Z-sorting issues many tend to run into due to transparent textures, having a knowledgebase system that covers these common technical issues would be useful, especially to newbies.
Posted By: TeutonicDarkness

Re: A searchable knowledgebase system - 07/28/06 04:34


Like many companies do (my webhost (edatarack), Microsoft, and Spy Sweeper for some examples), Gamestudio should have a knowledgebase system for common issues like an invalid file name (due to spaces in the name), issues with the level because the level name is untitled (unsaved), or those Z-sorting issues many tend to run into due to transparent textures, having a knowledgebase system that covers these common technical issues would be useful, especially to newbies.

I like that idea a lot... however I'm sure many users would
find it even better if it was Version specific;
telling all common probelms etc with specific versions
as well to avoid confusion and fustration.

Just my thoughts...

*** Teutonic Darkness ***
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: A searchable knowledgebase system - 07/28/06 05:24

Version and EDITION specific would be a better ideal.

For example, for materials:


The following applies to:

  • A6
  • 6.31.4 and later[list]
  • Commercal
  • Pro

I'd construct a list in following order:

Acknex Release>Version>Edition

Or how about terrains?


  • A6
  • All versions of 3DGS
  • Extra
  • Commercal
  • Pro

  • A5
  • All versions of 3DGS
  • Extra
  • Commercial
  • Pro

I tried to create a sublist but this forum software won't let me do that.
Posted By: TeutonicDarkness

Re: A searchable knowledgebase system - 07/28/06 08:10


I agree Both would be totally awesome.
Save a lot of fustration...

*** Teutonic Darkness ***
Posted By: old_bill

Re: A searchable knowledgebase system - 07/28/06 08:44

Something like this could be easily implemented into the wiki,
as it already exists, and offers much possibilities to set up such a database.

Posted By: ulillillia

Re: A searchable knowledgebase system - 07/28/06 15:59

Having it in the Wiki could turn up irrelevent results. If someone lists a project with the word "invalid" used extensively, or "sorting", it could be misleading to a certain extent and that would likely be the first result shown instead of the second or third. The knowledgebase should be separate for this reason. The manual does cover some things, but it's sometimes too vague. A knowledgebase system would allow more in-depth troubleshooting, list possible causes and how to work around it or fix it. I do agree with having the version and edition the issue applies to would be very useful. The case of spaces in a file name applies to all versions and editions (as far as I now that is). Unlike the tips and tricks section which are nontechnical issues, the knowledgebase should cover only technical issues.
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