Z5 orphaned trade

Posted By: wallaceccwong

Z5 orphaned trade - 01/08/14 16:28

What can I do if I find orphaned trades while using Z5 script?
Can Zorro close them automatically?
Posted By: jcl

Re: Z5 orphaned trade - 01/09/14 09:06

All error messages are listed in the manual by their error number. Orphaned trades are error 070.

You need to check in the broker platform if that trade was opened or not. Most likely it was not; otherwise close it manually.
Posted By: wallaceccwong

Re: Z5 orphaned trade - 01/09/14 13:07

Thanks for the reply and will read through the manual.

Checked broker platform the trade was opened. Two more trades opened today were also orphaned. Can orphaned trades be reduced if I close and restart Zorro?
Posted By: jcl

Re: Z5 orphaned trade - 01/09/14 14:20

No, but two orphaned trades per day are highly unnormal. We had also an orphaned Z5 trade yesterday, but it was the only one in the last 6 months.

If this happens again in the next days, please contact support. Maybe it's an issue related to the Internet connection that should be solved. Frequent orphaned trades reduce the Z5 profit.
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