Running Z12 and updating though new versions

Posted By: Smallz

Running Z12 and updating though new versions - 08/11/19 16:48


I'm running Z12 and have been letting it trade since end of March 2019.
2 new versions have come out and updating to the newest version has always meant stopping the current version, and then restarting the new version after running a backtest with the lastest capital slider setting of the old version and making sure I have about the same capital required when choosing what capital slider to have with the new system.

In the ""What's new" overview for Zorro 2.15/2.17 it says that "You can update a live trading Zorro instance without interrupting the trading process. Please see under Trading how to update a live system."

I don't seem to find a description in the Trading link of how to switch from a an old to a new version of Zorro without interrupting the instance. Is this something that's ll be implemented with the next update, i.e. after Zorro 2.15?

Many thanks!
Posted By: hast29

Re: Running Z12 and updating though new versions - 02/01/21 08:54

Hi Smallz, Hi Zorro team,

the Zorro documentation is now excellent with respect to updating the system, while running a strategy (own or Z). This is the link:

However, there is one mystery, when updating a system while running the Z12 strategy. When i move the capital slider on the old version to 0, indeed no new positions open, and most of the existing positions close. All but two short FX positions one CX and one from CY algorithm.

Is there any time threshold how long the old instance should run in parallel with the new update ? I suspect, 2 months is too much for any of the Z12 algorithms? Thank you for any hint ...
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