View entity becomes render target for 2d panels. A773.

Posted By: Jethro

View entity becomes render target for 2d panels. A773. - 03/20/09 03:48

Updated to A7.73 Pro.
A few of our levels have view entities in them. They act like a GPS/Compass pointing to the next object the player needs to pickup.

Problem is that when they are visible, the 2D panels in the level actually render to like a giant sprite above the View Entity, as the GPS view entity rotates, so does the whole 2D Panel rotate, even the F11 debug text.

// 3D Interface pointer to point to the Eggs, turtle, sanctuary
ENTITY* GPS_Pointer; //assign the correct gps pointer to this pointer.

ENTITY GPS_Pointer1={
  type = "Arrow_1.mdl";
  layer = 2; // display above view entities with layer 1
  //flags = VISIBLE;
//  client_id = camera; // same camera parameters as the default view
  x = 120; // place 100 quants ahead of the view
  y = 0; // center
  z = 53; // and top of screen

ENTITY GPS_Pointer2={
  type = "Arrow_2.mdl";
  layer = 2; // display above view entities with layer 1
  //flags = VISIBLE;
//  client_id = camera; // same camera parameters as the default view
  x = 120; // place 100 quants ahead of the view
  y = 0; // center
  z = 53; // and top of screen

ENTITY GPS_Pointer3={
  type = "Arrow_3.mdl";
  layer = 2; // display above view entities with layer 1
  //flags = VISIBLE;
//  client_id = camera; // same camera parameters as the default view
  x = 120; // place 100 quants ahead of the view
  y = 0; // center
  z = 53; // and top of screen

// Init_GPS
// This is the code that controls our GPS_Pointer Panel entity.
// When you need the GPS_Pointer, attach this action to a Placeholder entity in the level.
// This is the logic behind the following, 
// Hide GPS in security panels.
// If they are carrying a turtle, point to the Sanctuary.
// Otherwise point to the eggs in order then the turtle. This way the eggs can guide them to the turtle.

GPS_Pointer=GPS_Pointer1;//default to turtle and eggs.
If (Curr_level==3){GPS_Pointer=GPS_Pointer2;} //life rafts and powercells
If (Curr_level==5){GPS_Pointer=GPS_Pointer3;} //rubbish and barn
While (ME!=NULL) { //While the level exists, keep the pointer pointing at the relevant objects.
  If (Curr_SP==NULL){ //show GPS pointer
    }ELSE{//hide GPS pointer
  If (Got_turtle!=0) {//Then aim at sanctuary or maybe eggs in reverse order?;
    If (Sanctuary_Ent!=NULL) {//Point at this egg
    If (Egg1_Ent!=NULL) {//Point at this egg;
      If (Egg2_Ent!=NULL) {//Point at this egg;
        If (Egg3_Ent!=NULL) {//Point at this egg;
          If (Egg4_Ent!=NULL) {//Point at this egg
            If (Egg5_Ent!=NULL) {//Point at this egg
              If (Egg6_Ent!=NULL) {//Point at this egg
      	        If (Turtle_Ent!=NULL) {//Point at this egg
	//Do this once after temp set above to correct entity note:- must be no waits to modify temp
  vec_to_angle(MY_Angle.pan,temp); // now MY looks at YOU
  GPS_Pointer.Pan=MY_ANGLE.PAN-Camera.pan; // -camera.pan because the Entity panel is referenced to the camera angle.



This works perfectly in all previous editions of A7.

I think this may be related to the new render target for panels, getting mixed up.

I do NOT change the render taget of my 2D panels from default.
Posted By: jcl

Re: View entity becomes render target for 2d panels. A773. - 03/20/09 07:46

I have to look into it. But we haven't changed the render target, so it's probably some side effect from something else. Can you upload or send that project to Support?
Posted By: Jethro

Re: View entity becomes render target for 2d panels. A773. - 03/22/09 11:44

The project is huge. I'm going to my publishers Monday, I'll see what I can do to make a smaller test project when I get back, to demonstrate problem.

Have you tried to duplicate the problem with my view entity code and some 2d panels on screen, like I said it even does it with the F11 Debug text.

Posted By: jcl

Re: View entity becomes render target for 2d panels. A773. - 03/23/09 10:32

I'd appreciate a small test project, if possible. I can't reproduce any problem of the sort that you describe, and your code gives no hint.
Posted By: jcl

Re: View entity becomes render target for 2d panels. A773. - 03/24/09 10:56

Update: Another user reported a bug with a disappearing panel that could be verified by us. That may have the same reason. We don't need your test project at the moment - I'll post here if we need more information from you. Otherwise, the bug will be fixed in the next update.
Posted By: Jethro

Re: View entity becomes render target for 2d panels. A773. - 04/09/09 04:00

This bug is now resolved in A775 Beta.
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