Strange Happening

Posted By: dwalther2

Strange Happening - 03/22/09 20:48

I was just setting up a level in 7.70 and built it. I had a model with T7 Biped player attached as behavior and a terrain. When I run it in wed, I can't move around the level. However, if I start the compiled level from windows explorer. It runs perfect. Any thoughts?
Posted By: jcl

Re: Strange Happening - 03/23/09 10:31

Maybe your level in WED has no script attached.
Posted By: dwalther2

Re: Strange Happening - 03/23/09 13:05

Script is attached. I've been using 3DGS since A4 and know that's necessary. Also, I did the same tutorial exercise with this in 7.6x with no problems. That's what makes me think there is something strange going on here with 7.70. Just grasping at straws I guess. By the way, I have a duo core (Gateway FX) with 9800GT card with latest updates in case anyone was wondering so I know it's not the machine.
Posted By: Quad

Re: Strange Happening - 03/23/09 13:47

7.73 no problems here.
Posted By: dwalther2

Re: Strange Happening - 03/23/09 13:58

Qudraxas, did you use the blank project template and try the tutorial? That's where I started. I did nothing more than add a terrain, skybox and a model. I can see the model and terrain etc, but cannot get the model to move. Just really strange. I also have a problem with the views. The items already in disappear when I click in or lose their textures only to return when unclicked. btw: I have turned off aero and yes I'm working in vista (but that really wasn't a problem before) also it's a 64 bit machine (don't think that should matter).
Posted By: jcl

Re: Strange Happening - 03/23/09 14:11

When you say it works when started externally, but does not work when started in WED, can you post both acklogs? Maybe the command line options are different.
Posted By: Quad

Re: Strange Happening - 03/23/09 14:29

Originally Posted By: dwalther2
Qudraxas, did you use the blank project template and try the tutorial? That's where I started. I did nothing more than add a terrain, skybox and a model. I can see the model and terrain etc, but cannot get the model to move. Just really strange. I also have a problem with the views. The items already in disappear when I click in or lose their textures only to return when unclicked. btw: I have turned off aero and yes I'm working in vista (but that really wasn't a problem before) also it's a 64 bit machine (don't think that should matter).

i didnt followed any tutorial, used blank t7 project added a terrain a model, attached t7_biped_player, compiled level, and ran it. it worked.
Posted By: dwalther2

Re: Strange Happening - 03/25/09 00:29

Been gone for a couple of days. I can do that (post the acklogs) but may not be able to until the weekend. Really busy this week. Thanks.

Did you try adding a skybox? ANy problems?
Posted By: dwalther2

Re: Strange Happening - 03/26/09 00:32


Here is the acklog:

Log of A7 Engine 7.70.0 run at Wed Mar 25 19:24:54 2009
Dean on Windows NT/2000/XP version 6.0 Build 6001
Options myproj.c -nx 30 -diag

App C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\acknex.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\projects\blanktest\
MM mixer opened
DSOUND device opened
DI interface opened
Start Window opened
(c)Conitec . Dieburg . San Diego .
A7 Engine - Commercial Edition V7.70.0 - Feb 5 2009
Development version
Registered to: Dean Walther

Mouse found
Speakers (Conexant High Definition SmartAudio 221) opened
NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS pure T&L device 1ff9 detected
D3D device NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS 1ff9 selected.
ackwii.dll opened
t7.dll opened
Compiling MYPROJ.C - [Esc] to abort..
PATH code\
PATH images\
PATH includes\
PATH maps\
PATH models\
PATH sounds\
PATH textures\
PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\templates\t7w_blank\..
PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\acknex_plugins\
PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\code\
PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\templates\code\
PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\templates\images\
PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\templates\includes\
PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\templates\maps\
PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\templates\models\
PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\templates\sounds\
PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\templates\textures\
PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\GStudio7\templates\xml\.. ...
camera_insert: function not found
camera_next: function not found
camera_prev: function not found
camera_remove: function not found
camera_set_ang: function not found
camera_set_target_vec: function not found
camera_set_vec: function not found. .. 0.181 sec
Running MYPROJ.C.
2 objects
Main started at 2.372
D3D_Init Window: 720x480 -> Window: 1x720x480x32
Video memory found: 2797 MB
D3D_Resize Window: 800x600 -> Window: 1x800x600x32
LevelInit at 2.701...cmap,2 ents,1 lmaps,0 texs,hull
Physics restarted...ok
LevelReady at 2.819
def_startup started
Main loop at 2.822...
Server started at 2.822
Client started at 2.822.
1st frame with 2797 MB. at 3.142
Normal exit at 9.218
Close level,DLL,objects
Free input,funcs,panels,defs,syns,views,strings,vars..ok
Free sounds,bmaps,fonts,hash,defs1,script..ok
Close dx,multimedia,D3D,engine,physics,nexus..ok
A7 Engine - Commercial Edition V7.70.0 - Feb 5 2009
(c)Conitec . Dieburg . San Diego .
Registered to: Dean Walther
Close window at 9.253

This is with blank project wizard, add terrain, add model and build. I can see there is a camera problem. But why?
Posted By: jcl

Re: Strange Happening - 03/26/09 11:30

We'll look into this, but just a question. The strange thing was that you told that your compiled version works differently and you can move the player there. Can you also post an acklog of the compiled version?
Posted By: dwalther2

Re: Strange Happening - 03/26/09 23:17

Sure. But I still can't move the player. Just the camera. How do I do an acklog of that? The file just kicks into the game when I double click it. It's labeled as wmb compiled level.
Posted By: jcl

Re: Strange Happening - 03/27/09 06:06

No, a compiled game is an executable. It has the extension EXE. You're probably confusing this with a map. You can move in a map with the mouse and cursor keys, and of course the player won't move.

A possible reason why you can't move the player in your game is that you placed him too low, so it is stuck in the ground. Another possibility: the move force under "behavior" is set too low, try setting it higher.

Such problems are not visible in an acklog. Aside from that, the acklog looks fine - the camera warnings are harmless. I'm getting precisely the same log when I create a blank level, so it should also work for you. Try placing the player a little higher, and maybe adjust its behavior values.
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