[8.020 beta] publish/new script - references .wdl file

Posted By: slacer

[8.020 beta] publish/new script - references .wdl file - 07/28/10 18:38


after creating a simple bsp level (textured large block) I wanted to publish it as first.exe

Publish (compile EXE) dialog tells "can't publish"
and offers a "new script" button.

default template file is "Flythrough"
This will create the folder first.cd containing all required files and first.exe
starting first.exe results in Error E355 "Startup failure" and
"Compiling First.WDL... Can't open First.wdl in the splash window.
Posted By: WretchedSid

Re: [8.020 beta] publish/new script - references .wdl file - 07/28/10 18:49

From the beta page:
A published A8 acknex.dll now works with all executables generated with the same development system. This way, a single DLL can be used for many EXEs (A7 and before required a separate DLL for any EXE). This also overcomes the problems with some commercial wrapper systems. (Please note that beta versions can't be published).

Posted By: slacer

Re: [8.020 beta] publish/new script - references .wdl file - 07/28/10 21:20

If I press publish again after I got this error message, the build is fine and first.exe runs without error.

It is a public beta and I placed the key file into the gamestudio folder.

I think your quote was valid only for private beta
V8.00.1b beta - released Apr 23, 2010
because I can build .wrs files and there is no beta marker visible in-game.
Posted By: jcl

Re: [8.020 beta] publish/new script - references .wdl file - 07/29/10 08:30

I'm not sure that I understand your problem. On a PC you can only run executable files, not levels. The publish process is for generating an EXE from your script. If you have no script, what do you want to publish?

The first steps with Gamestudio are described in the tutorial, and all basic questions are answered there.
Posted By: slacer

Re: [8.020 beta] publish/new script - references .wdl file - 07/29/10 20:37

1. I forgot to add a script.
2. publish suggested to add a script "Flythrough"
3. the created exe in my first.cd folder tries to run the game using a script first.wdl which does not exist because publish created a script called first.c

This only happens if you try to publish a level without adding a script before and select the "new script" option in the publish dialog.

It is no big deal - but if you add a "new script" button... it should work.
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