A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps

Posted By: Rich

A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 07/31/10 07:05

Just as the bug I reported here With the first public A8 beta, the latest A7 version now crashes when loading A6 maps. I am only reporting this as A7 was still supposed to support A6 maps, and because it causes a crash.

When rolling back to 7.85.4, it works fine, in 7.86.2 I get the "Crash in Main:SYS" error, which goes away once I delete the A6 maps. EDIT: Worked ok in 7.86.0

I know A6 maps are not supported in A8, but are supposed to be in A7, I can find no documentation on what changed from 7.86.0 to 7.86.2.

Just thought I would report this, as with A8 JCL stated it should not cause a crash.
Posted By: Nidhogg

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 07/31/10 07:42

Have you tried rebuilding the level. "Just a thought"
Posted By: Rich

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 07/31/10 07:54

Yep, Once I delete the passable A6 blocks, I recompile the level and it works. Bring them back in, recompile and it crashes. Only way to prevent the crash is to recompile the passable blocks as A7 meshs (in which they are not detected as water entities, so that defeats the purpose).

I'm only reporting it because A7 is still supposed to support the A6 maps, where as in A8 you must use terrain, unless this has now changed but I didn't see it listed in the beta / bugs / newfeatures, ect.

(on a side note, I managed to make terrain behave as water the way I wanted, I'm just reporting the crash).

Thanks though laugh.
Posted By: White_Wolf

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 08/01/10 13:45


yes i have the same problem whith too of my levels. They donīt run under A7 V. 7.86 or A8 V. 8.02. I have rebuld all map entitys and the level , but the enging crashs by loading the level. A ohter level have chrashed and after rebuild it work find. But the other two levels dont run and i can`t find why they dont run. Can somewone can give tipps what can I do that they run?

Posted By: jcl

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 08/02/10 08:17

Yes, A7.86.2 can crash when loading A6 maps. You can download a patch here:


It contains the last A7 engine, version 7.86.5. This version does not crash with A6 maps.

A8.02 does not crash with A6 maps, either.
Posted By: Tracker

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 08/07/10 12:33

I have the same problem.
The latest Version A7.86.5 cause an Error E1513 Crash in main:level_load(level_str), when I try to run my level based on the Template_6-Scripts.

I tried your patch acknex7.zip and copied the two files acknex.dll and ACKWED.DTA in my gstudio7 folder.

But when I build and run my level, I first get 41 warninga (Malfuntion W1554: Material undefined) and after that I get the Error E1513: Script crash in main level_load(levelstr) again.

When I reinstall my old Version A7.85.4, I'm able to build and run my level without problems.

It's a pity that the last released A7.86.5 update is incompatible with existing Template_6 levels.
If it's not possible to solve this problem, you should better upload the version A7.85.4 as latest A7 release.
Otherwise, Gamestudio users, who don't own an old version, are not able to start existing Template_6 levels.
Posted By: keilyn3d

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 08/08/10 05:57

I have the problem too, this is occurring with all the c-script, I have applied the patch and the problem is worse, now SED not start...

can anyone upload the 7.85.4, 7.86.0 or another previous version that work, please...

I need finish a project that is in c-script (after this, I will never use c-script again)
Posted By: Tobias

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 08/08/10 09:03

It's true, the 7.86.5 patch still crashes with an A6 map entity.

When I compile it to an A7 map entity, everything is fine. Also, A8 does not crash with A6 map entities. So it's still the the A6 map bug in the 7.86.5 patch.
Posted By: jcl

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 08/09/10 08:24

You're right, I've uploaded a wrong patch without the fix - sorry for that.

I've now uploaded the (hopefully) right patch, you can download it from the same link. This version is supposed to work again with A6 map entities.

For starting SED, click on the SED icon. For syntax errors, check the script at the place where the first error appears. All A7 and A8 versions work with the A6 template scripts.
Posted By: Tracker

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 08/09/10 21:45

Okay, this patch works.
I'm able to start my level with version A7.86.5. laugh

But I still get 43 warnings 'Malfunction W1554: material undefined'

In version A7.85.4 I get no warnings and the level starts without problems.

Is it possible to upload another patch, that my level starts without warnings?
Posted By: jcl

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 08/10/10 06:57

Afraid not. Error detection is an important feature and we won't remove important features.
Posted By: Tracker

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 08/10/10 11:04

Okay, I try to solve the problem with the 'Malfunction W1554' warnings in my level.
Many thanks for the patch. laugh

But it would be fine, if you would upload a patched A7.86.5 version in your download section, so that all users have a chance to download a last correct A7 version.
Posted By: jcl

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 08/12/10 08:45

Yes, we've added the patch to the download section.
Posted By: Tracker

Re: A7 7.86.2 crash when loading A6 (non - mesh) maps - 08/12/10 09:33

Thank you very much. laugh
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