Atari A7 and Australia?!?

Posted By: Matt_Coles

Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 08/16/07 10:53

I just got free tickets to the Independant Game Developers Conference in Australia - FreePlay and turns out Binh Nguyen from Atari is teaching classes inside the conference using 3d Gamestudio and promoting it as the best engine for independant developers. It's one of the conferences main events - quite suprised really


Any other Australian Gamestudio users coming to this on Saturday?
Posted By: James_Burke

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 08/16/07 12:04

I went to the first Free Play and AGDC (before they moved). At the Free Play I went to there was a guy doing a section on Machinma and used A5 I think at the time. It was about Robots and he used it commercially. We took one of our games to AGDC and spoke to a few people there, a couple had heard of Torque but not of A6.

Wish I had known of it earlier, I might have gone. It's good now that they're at the ACMI, when I went it was a 2nd story of an art building (very small and didn't look to safe on the steps) and another conference room down the street!
Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 08/16/07 12:37

Oh I remember that guy, nanoflix, he's made a new machinima with the A6 engine starring Chris Jones from Tex Murphy and a main character from farscape, forget her name.

It sounds like it'll be good this year and the ACMI is really handy to get to. They still have tickets going for it if you're interested in attending still
Posted By: James_Burke

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 08/16/07 13:09


Oh I remember that guy, nanoflix, he's made a new machinima with the A6 engine starring Chris Jones from Tex Murphy and a main character from farscape, forget her name.

Did you attend that year one too? (2004 I think)

I would go, only it's a 2.5 hour drive and I haven't made plans - shame though, if I had known last week I might have been able to organise to go
Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 08/16/07 17:38

@Matt_Coles: Maybe you could provide a little write-up what the session was like if you are attending that is.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 08/16/07 17:55

Sounds quite interesting indeed, to bad I live all the way in Europe
A little write-up like Marco indicated would be great !!


Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 08/16/07 23:24


Did you attend that year one too? (2004 I think)

No, unfortunately I didn't get a chance, A while back I was interested in the prospect of Machinima in 3d Gamestudio and ran across his website and found on Gamasutra that he originated from Sydney. Here's his site


Maybe you could provide a little write-up what the session was like if you are attending that is.

I'll mostly be going just to have a peek at that session so, yeah I'll post you guys what it was like and what happened in the session
Posted By: Chance

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 08/23/07 05:39

Hey guys,

I was the person that presented the session at FreePlay. Please let me know if you have any questions. The session was aimed at helping people who are absolute beginners to get started.

In the session I spoke about how 3DGS helped me learn how to program after nearly failing first year programming. I spoke about how I then moved on to other middleware and eventually came back to 3DGS.

I took the group through a point and click workshop on how to make a first person shooter and then wrote a small behaviour script to demonstrate how easy it is to get started in the engine.

I finally spoke about the strengths and weaknesses of 3DGS as I see them and then proceeded to get a lot of questions.

PS. I'm not from Atari, though I would have loved to work for them when they had a development house in Melbourne. I'm just an amatuer games developer and I'm doing my PhD in artificial intelligence at La Trobe University.
Posted By: Doug

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 08/24/07 10:39


I finally spoke about the strengths and weaknesses of 3DGS as I see them and then proceeded to get a lot of questions.

I would love to hear more about this.
Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 08/24/07 17:10

Thank you Chance!
Posted By: Matt_Coles

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 08/24/07 20:08

It was a pretty good talk, if a little short, although the conference center was soo cold on sat I've been sick all week lol.
It's convinced a few of my other friends to buy it for their holiday projects which is a good thing
Posted By: Chance

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 09/14/07 01:36

Hey guys,

The following are the main strengths and weaknesses of the 3D Game Studio system. This is from the point of view of using WED and then Lite-C. I have not used the SDK to do C++ programming.

-There is a very low amount of resistance to get started. I can show a person how to make a simple level and a point and click game in about an hour.
-A large number of audio visual functions required for games development are already there. For example I have invested about a fortnight learning just how to load a Quake 2 model only to learn that I'd have to invest more time to learn inverse kinematics. 3D Game Studio is much better for this.
-A large number of game logic functions required for games development are already there. For example there are functions for handling bullets and events.

(I know that this is a scripting language and that the SDK is available )
-There is no objects oriententation concepts such as polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation and namespaces.
-You can't create and pass local arrays.
-You can't create and pass local objects.

For a number of these weaknesses I have worked around them. I do have a feeling that I am approaching the system from the wrong angle. Kind of like using my object orientated hammer for every problem I see.

I started with 3D Game Studio in about 2000. I then moved on to other systems because I felt that I need more powerful functionality. I came back to 3D Game Studio in 2006 because I felt that the strengths and constraints of 3D Game Studio enabled me to be more productive and creative.
Posted By: Spirit

Re: Atari A7 and Australia?!? - 09/15/07 10:53

Why do you think you cant create and pass local objects and arrays? I use them all the time

function foo()
var my_local_array[10];

ENTITY* my_local_ent = ent_create(.....);

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