psp or ndsl ????

Posted By: hansri

psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 20:15

Help me please...

I've brithday thes next days and my mother will buy me a console.
i have read a lot about the PSP and the Nintendo DS-lite.
But i have not idea what is the better of to two.

have you pro and c0ns about the consoles?

thank you
Posted By: Samb

Re: psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 20:31

pro: Good and many Games
new gameplay
you don't miss anything

contra: not the best graphics, no video and music function without an external plugin

pro: good graphics
PS2 games can be ported (if a gamecompany wants so)

contra: not so much games
LOOOOOOOW battery runtime

I would say: get a DS
Posted By: Toast

Re: psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 20:32

It might depend on the games you prefer but I can just recommend the Nintendo DS. It has a wide variety of games from Mario Kart over Final Fantasy up to very special things like those Dr. Kawashima Brain Training (which is excellent). That's also what makes the DS so special: The touchscreen - this really makes some fun gaming ideas possible...

On the PSP you have better graphics but the battery only suffices for about 4-6 hours of gaming and that's not very much in my opinion. So - as the DS offers better gaming, longer runtime and also should be cheaper that's the way to go if you ask me...

Enjoy your meal
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 21:30

the graphics are not that bad. they are somewhere between n64 and dreamcast.
sure, no psp level but good enough anytime^^
the battery is strong and lasts a while.
four different lightning settings...
for just 40 bucks you get a move and mp3 player, if you want one, that is...

a massive games library and a nw way to play, iteract with the Wii and and and...

and it looks sleek^^
Posted By: hansri

Re: psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 21:41

looks like ds is better.

now a nother question.

ds and ds-lite.

am i right? is the "lite" the better ds? (longer power, smaller, but the same functuions like the ds)?

has the "lite"-verson somthing not that the ds has?
Posted By: Captain_Kiyaku

Re: psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 21:43

Yes light is better, longer power and a much brighter screen. Colors are great on it and its clearer to see. get a ds lite for sure.

Also, get a psp, play locoroco, sell the psp and get a ds lite. thats how i did
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 21:44

the lite is the same as the ds with a few minior differences:

the lite is smaller, lighter, looks ebtter, better colors, brighter screen (4 settings) bigger stylus (more comfortable)

the ds has another charging unit (like the GBASP) and the GBA games fit into the second slot (in the lite version, they stick out a few milimeters)
Posted By: Toast

Re: psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 21:45

Well I think the DS-Lite is an "upgraded" version of the DS with a white cover and smaller dimensions. To be true I'm quite happy to have the "old" DS as I have rather big hands and thus I don't like it if things get too small and my DS is very good in this point (and I wouldn't want it to be smaller). Featurewise there should be no difference...

Enjoy your meal
Posted By: Sebe

Re: psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 21:47

PSP with downgradeable firmware is best.

A modified psp is the ultimate portable accessoire. You can play _any_ PS1 game on it, there are emulators for GBA, SNES and almost every system before them, N64 and NDS emulators are also available, although they don't work perfectly yet. Watching ripped dvd movies, listening to mp3, all no problem. And then there's the homebrew scene... if you wanted, you could even run linux or Win95 on the psp, use it as a television remote control, install a ogg / divx player, change the menu icons and the startup videos - the possibilities and the amount of available homebrew is endless.

And about the battery - in the new m33 firmware, there's a built-in tool to lower the cpu frequency of the psp. 100 MHz (standard: 222) is enough for almost everything except gaming. With that, the battery runtime problem isn't as big as it was before the custom firmware.

But apart from all that - if you don't want to modify your psp, then the NDS is a lot better. The psp hardware is great, but with Sony's firmware restrictions it's just crap.
Posted By: Captain_Kiyaku

Re: psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 21:51

@Toast, the screen of the ds lite is extrem bright compared to the old DS. i own both and im so happy to got the ds lite. its awesome.
It's not as open as the old one when you close it, and you can see everything on the screen in full colors, everytime, even when the sun is shining.
Posted By: VPrime

Re: psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 22:27


PSP with downgradeable firmware is best.

A modified psp is the ultimate portable accessoire. You can play _any_ PS1 game on it, there are emulators for GBA, SNES and almost every system before them, N64 and NDS emulators are also available, although they don't work perfectly yet. Watching ripped dvd movies, listening to mp3, all no problem. And then there's the homebrew scene... if you wanted, you could even run linux or Win95 on the psp, use it as a television remote control, install a ogg / divx player, change the menu icons and the startup videos - the possibilities and the amount of available homebrew is endless.

And about the battery - in the new m33 firmware, there's a built-in tool to lower the cpu frequency of the psp. 100 MHz (standard: 222) is enough for almost everything except gaming. With that, the battery runtime problem isn't as big as it was before the custom firmware.

But apart from all that - if you don't want to modify your psp, then the NDS is a lot better. The psp hardware is great, but with Sony's firmware restrictions it's just crap.

Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: psp or ndsl ???? - 09/23/07 23:33


pro: good graphics
PS2 games can be ported (if a gamecompany wants so)

contra: not so much games
LOOOOOOOW battery runtime

Battery time on mine is 6 hours when I'm playing a game like Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, but I use energy saving mode... you know, the least brightest display setting, it saves a lot. Watch a movie on the highest brightness and batteries are empty within 4 hours.. so yeah, this is an issue perhaps.

Games is true too, although I only have about 5 games, it also are nearly all the games worth having which is not much .. still I like the PSP better than the DS. Mostly because of the graphics and the übercool Metal Gear Ac!d 2 and Metal Gear Portable Ops though...

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