Marvelous Flash Jump'N'Run

Posted By: Pappenheimer

Marvelous Flash Jump'N'Run - 09/27/07 10:08
Posted By: Damocles

Re: Marvelous Flash Jump'N'Run - 09/27/07 13:45

Schönes Spiel, hatte ich neulich mal wieder drüber nachgedacht, da ich das vor ein paar Jahren gesehen habe

ich muß allerdings kritisieren, daß trotz der vielen lustigen Elemente
die Leveldesigner das Spiel viel zu schwer gemacht haben.
Nach den ersten paar Leveln kommt kein Spielflow auf, da man andauernd abkratzt.
Die meisten Spieler wollen das nun mal einfach schnell spielen, und
nicht eine Stunde vor dem immer gleichen Level hängen.

Ich würde da gerne einige Elemente des Spieles umgestalten
Posted By: hansri

Re: Marvelous Flash Jump'N'Run - 09/27/07 15:46


Ich würde da gerne einige Elemente des Spieles umgestalten

"Bessermacher sind besser als Besserwisser" hat mir ein Bekannter ma gschrieben - find passt hier gut
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Marvelous Flash Jump'N'Run - 09/27/07 15:54

n is old but I love it.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Marvelous Flash Jump'N'Run - 09/27/07 17:10


ich muß allerdings kritisieren, daß trotz der vielen lustigen Elemente
die Leveldesigner das Spiel viel zu schwer gemacht haben.

It's not thát difficult, you just need to time your jumps properly. It will take some time to get used to and you have to figure out some trick moves... Part of the game is puzzling your way through the platform obstacles of extreme difficulty. Still ... only the more satisfaction when you complete the game,

(I'd give it a 9/10, it has style, the platform puzzles are interesting and it's very challenging, perhaps a bit too challenging indeed. It's one of those rare games with a huge x-factor.)

Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Marvelous Flash Jump'N'Run - 09/27/07 17:32

lol, every time i play it I love it, because tho it almost seems too challenging if you keep trying you usually eventually get it, and once you do you always seem to be very satisfied, probably because all the movements are styled in a way were you always feel like you did something cool.
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Marvelous Flash Jump'N'Run - 09/27/07 18:58

I have to say when I posted this I actually only played the two first levels.
When trying others I was disappointed by the violence, those brutal mines and got frustrated by the difficulty.
If I were the one who designed the game I would have made many levels in the way of the first one with the same difficulty and maybe after that more difficulty ones.
But I'm not a 'hardcore' gamer, and Lemmings for instance was too difficult to me after a certain level, too!

My vote goes for more levels with less difficulty before the harder level!
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Marvelous Flash Jump'N'Run - 09/27/07 22:51

I'm a tad uuhh weird when it comes to certain types of games and their brutal difficulty; I totally loved the Commandos series, I love the N game and also games like Silent Storm on their highest difficulty. I'm not going to pretend to have finished them all, but I definitely like the challenge these games provide.

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