San Diego Fires 2007

Posted By: Doug

San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/22/07 19:58

Currently everything that didn't burn in the 2003 fires is burning, been burnt, or threatening to be burned.

I've backed up all the 3DGameStudio files and have them in a waterproof box ready to go. So don't worry. But things are a bit crazy right now...
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/22/07 20:14

Is this by accident, or are there people who have interest in burning a landscape as it has been said about the fires in Greek?
Posted By: Doug

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/22/07 20:23

There is no news right now on the cause, but this sort of thing happens "naturally" in this area (it only takes one spark).
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/22/07 21:10

More important: Do you have a fireproof box with oxygen bottles to get yourself hidden, too?
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/22/07 21:17


Currently everything that didn't burn in the 2003 fires is burning, been burnt, or threatening to be burned.

I've backed up all the 3DGameStudio files and have them in a waterproof box ready to go. So don't worry. But things are a bit crazy right now...

defend that box with your LIFE!! Did you hear me?


Posted By: FBL

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/22/07 23:26


There is no news right now on the cause, but this sort of thing happens "naturally" in this area (it only takes one spark).

Did you have to leave your luxus villa as well?
Posted By: ISG

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/23/07 17:24

Send that box to me, nothing happens in Indiana except a burst of corn growth. HAHA. Ok, I'm done kidding.
Posted By: Lukas

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/23/07 18:47

I'll buy a Deluxe Edition and you'll get away from the fire

Posted By: Doug

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/23/07 19:05


Did you have to leave your luxus villa as well?

If by "luxus villa" you mean my 5m by 7m loft apartment, than yes.

I'm going to be "on the road" until this blows over.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/23/07 19:14

Sad to hear about the fires but lucky you were smart enough to make a backup
And again the use of backup safety is proven


Posted By: Inestical

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/23/07 20:23

I thought backups were for wussies...

Well I think backupping is somewhat useful.. Hope the fire slows down a bit..

This is every-three-year event?
Posted By: William

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/23/07 21:29

Looks pretty bad. I guess it's a bit early to tell, but could this be the worst California ever experienced? I know they had a few bad ones, even a few years back. Hope San Diego is gonna be okay, considering the talk of the fire just dying once it reaches the sea.
Posted By: Aaron_H

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/23/07 21:49

I was hoping to move to LA/San Diego when I finish uni and get some money behind me... Kinda makes me think twice about San Diego.
Posted By: Poison

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/24/07 15:48


Hope you save your own skin.

Poison Byte
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/24/07 17:27

On the plus side, this is a unique oppurtunity to work, first-hand, on a smoke shader/particle effect for the engine...
Posted By: Doug

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/24/07 17:42

Update: I'm fine. The computers, AFAIK, are okay (my neighborhood isn't on fire).

The community is really stepping up on this. Lots of people getting feed and sheltered, last I heard 500,000+. Although I'm pissed at one "mega-church" who think protecting their lawn is more important than housing firemen.

I'm going to be remote for a while still, but I think the worse is over... (I hope).

fastlane69: I've learned that a smoke effect isn't realistic if it doesn't cause your lungs to feel like they are on fire.
Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/24/07 17:56

At least in the eastern San Diego area the fire has not spread much in the past 24h. So unless winds change things are looking better.

@Doug: If you get sick of the smoke drive to the coast; the air quality in La Jolla is a lot better right now.
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/24/07 22:10


I've learned that a smoke effect isn't realistic if it doesn't cause your lungs to feel like they are on fire.

I'm thinking Haptic vests?
Posted By: LarryLaffer

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/26/07 04:01


The community is really stepping up on this. Lots of people getting feed and sheltered, last I heard 500,000+. Although I'm pissed at one "mega-church" who think protecting their lawn is more important than housing firemen.

You guys are organised! In Greece, if your house caught on fire, you were f*cked. Even if you wanted to help, there wasn't much you could do, other than driving 500km yourself and try to find these people to give em your mothers cooked food yourself.. And we had the exact same church problem too, they wouldn't let them camp on their lawn. I guess God needed that lawn more..

A few weeks later it was pre-election times, and the goverment decided to offer 2,000 euro to anyone claiming his property was lost in the fire. Of course, half the population of Greece drove to those banks even though they hadn't lost sh_t, so they stopped doing that too..

Keep up the good work, and come back safe so we can talk templates
Posted By: Doug

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/26/07 16:33

The worse of the fires are over.

It was nice to see everybody pitch in. Unlike the fires of 2003, most of the community knew what to do. Evacuation centers ran correctly, and the panic level was relatively low.

The government did a good job as well, but I think the real heroes are the citizens. They had more volunteers then jobs to do.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/26/07 16:46

I hope the overall damage caused by the fires isn't too massive. Still, as long as the government keeps it's promise of helping out people and companies it'll be relatively okey I think.

I also hope they catch the people that started these fires, as I've heard they think at least 2 of them weren't natural fires..

Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/26/07 18:05

The "natural fires" are rumored to have been started by downed power lines. Will they finally get rid of these silly wooden beams and use a real powerline? Or maybe bury the lines underground ?

The damage is supposed to be moderate- worst wildfire we've had in this region but less than what happened in other disaster areas, e.g. Kathrina. It's a good thing that so few lives were lost.
Posted By: Doug

Re: San Diego Fires 2007 - 10/27/07 19:41

Marco: I was told that one of the fires started by an exploding transformer (those big trash-can things on the polls). Another was a house fire.

As far as I know, the "silly wooden beams" didn't start falling down until after they caught fire.
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