Have you ever played a really scary game?

Posted By: Shadow969

Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:03

The topic name says it all, what is the scariest game you ever played?
Posted By: flits

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:06

bioschock i think
Posted By: Helghast

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:08


The topic name says it all, what is the scariest game you ever played?

condemned scared the [censored] outta me several times.
fatal frame (project zero) did as well.
And offcourse silent hill has a psychological horror that freaked me out...

yeah, small line up of games i thought were scary.
(F.E.A.R. wasnt scary at all incase someone asks) My favourite genre IS indeed horror survival, so i played a lot of these kinda games, these were only some i could think of from the top of my head

Posted By: achaziel

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:11

silent hill. still scares the crap outta me.

believe it or not, but since i've played silent hill i'm afraid of fog and jammed radios >.> sort of.
Posted By: broozar

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:12

clive barker's undying, at the time it was just released.
Posted By: Shadow969

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:18

I tried silent hill 4, but found it a bit slow and boring(to be honest i've played about half an hour, so maybe i'm wrong)
I like survival horror too(RE series is my favourite), but i don't find it scary.
Asylum level in Painkiller was rather close to scare me, but it was more disguisting than scary
Posted By: achaziel

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:19

@ shadow969: yeah, part 4 sucked. try part 2 or 3 (i don't know about part one, but im sure this is the best one....), those two parts are extremely scary.
Posted By: broozar

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:25

the "cradle" level in thief3:deadly shadows.
Posted By: Sebe

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:26

I've played Silent Hill 1 on PSP - on this small screen with this crappy sound. After about 1 hour, I just couldn't continue because I was so scared. And I've never played it again
Posted By: Shadow969

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:30

thanks, i'll try them
Posted By: Straight_Heart

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:38

Silent Hill for the Ps1. It was one of those games where it's scariness wasnt in making a big monster jump out at you around the corner. It was a game where the subtle ambience of something lurking outside, and the eerie camera made it truly scary.

Tomb Raider 1. Though not scary in the sense you guys are talking about, it was scary in its own way. The black fog that was there to hide the draw distance, the loneliness of being hundereds of feet underground in a hidden cavern, the absense of ambient music...

and the first time you see the T-Rex barrel down the hidden valley from the black fog. Im glad they chose to not give him an intro cut scene, because he literally came out of nowhere. It was fantastic.
Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:45

Cradle in Thief3 and the first few levels of Bioshock.
Posted By: FBL

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:53


There was a point int he game at which you didn't know anymore who you can trust and who you can't because he might have been snatched...

Basically it's jsut an adventure, but sometimes out of the nowhere real time shooting sequences come up, and then you have to be FAST.
Posted By: Edgecrusher

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 21:54

Well, I was a child back then, maybe 9 or 10 when I got Abyss for PC. It really scared me and my bro, I don't know if it would today, but I remember it very scary
Posted By: Endgegner

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 22:18

I remember playing Tomb Raider as a kid when suddenly some friggin gorilla showed up behind me and scared the crap out of me.

And I also hated Ravenholm in HL2 -.-. I was really so damn happy when I reached the exit ...

Yeah I know I'm a p*ssy, but that whole horror genre ain't my thing. Never was.
Posted By: achaziel

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 22:21

lol ravenholm was way boring xD from a scary point of view, of course.
Posted By: Toast

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/01/07 22:33

It's Undying for me too though when being even younger it was Alien 3 for the SNES...

Enjoy your meal
Posted By: William

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 00:51

I remember Theif 1 scared me in the one level where you had to go into a zombie like cave before hitting a prison I think. There was also the level where you had to get the horn in a zombie hall. It was a pretty tense game for it's time. Wish there would be a Thief 4 one day, perhaps set as Thief 2 was, I liked the metal age.
Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 01:27


I remember Theif 1 scared me in the one level where you had to go into a zombie like cave before hitting a prison I think. There was also the level where you had to get the horn in a zombie hall. It was a pretty tense game for it's time. Wish there would be a Thief 4 one day, perhaps set as Thief 2 was, I liked the metal age.

I found Thief 2 to be far more scary than Thief 1. The mind controlled drones and those bomb shooting bots that would sneak up behind you and then play their recorded voice...yikes.
Posted By: zazang

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 02:00

Undying and F.E.A.R
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 03:06

I probably sound like a poser by saying this, but I don't think there really are games that genuinely scare me. At least so far. The day games really can not be distinguished from life-like scenes anymore will be the day I might get scared by virtual reality... but somehow I believe the keyboard on my desk will always give away that it's not real.

Games that did a very good job at trying to scare me are Condemned:Criminal Origin and the Thief series. By far the scariest games I've ever played.

F.E.A.R was pretty intense too because of the appearing girl and anomalies whilst playing. Great stuff, but not really all that scary, because most of it was done before in horror movies.

I think the Thief series did a very good job of providing a convincing constant tension of getting caught. Fighting off guards generally isn't very easy, so you'd want to avoid that at all cost. The fear of getting caught really makes this a great game.

Condemned: Criminal Origin guides the player through a story line that you don't really want to follow through somehow, but you continue anyways. In this game enemies are generally pretty strong too and as far as graphics go, it's pretty realistic. The story makes you want to find out what the hell is going on, but it's also a bit scary to progress. Great stuff.

Bioshock should be a scary game because of it's disturbing setting, but a lot of times it isn't quite all that scary. The regeneration makes it pointless to care much about dying in that game, the fear of getting killed is not big. Except from the annoyance of having to start over, there's no feeling of weakness contrary to the Thief games or Condemned. I do agree that certain scenes are pretty disturbing though and make you feel uncomfortable,

Posted By: Joozey

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 08:12

Well there was this game named Titanic. Basically just a puzzle adventure, and nothing 3D, all just pictures where you walk through. You could walk everywhere on the ship, pretty nice. But you had to solve something before the titanic sinks. It was a few years ago, I was around 10 or so, but walking through the whole ship, all those small stairways, the classique chique designs of the rich class, and the poor environments of the third class, the engine room... and when you are down there solving some mystery, the ship collides and your time starts running out...

I never got the chance to finish the game it was way too freaky to get back up from the engineroom and AGAIN go back down to get something in one of the second class appartments while the ship sinks deeper and deeper
Posted By: benni

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 08:16


... but somehow I believe the keyboard on my desk will always give away that it's not real.

That is exactly my problem, concerning movies, too. I'm really jealous of people who can be scared by games and movies. The last time I was scared by a movie was when I saw ALIEN, must be at the age of 8 or so. The first and last game that scared me was DOOM, must have been at the age of 12.
I think the more realistic the games become, the more the faults attract attention and destroy the gaming experience - Games that go the other way and don't try to be a copy of our reality, but build their own reality instead, can be much more convincing to me.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 09:34


:D I remember playing Tomb Raider as a kid when suddenly some friggin gorilla showed up behind me and scared the crap out of me.

And I also hated Ravenholm in HL2 -.-. I was really so damn happy when I reached the exit ...

Yeah I know I'm a p*ssy, but that whole horror genre ain't my thing. Never was.

No, you are not a p*ssy, I can even agree with you. I was happy after finishing Ravenholm. The shotgun simply had not enough ammo.

But just like you, I do not like horror movies. So I dont play horror games in the present and thus we are not that blunt just like hardcore horror fans.

My first 3d-game was Doom and I often moved my head just to look around the corner but it did not help since the screen is flat
This was scary.

But now it becomes more and more un-scary. We are getting used to thrilling moments in front of computers. And besides that I know how to defend me in real life as well. That might help also to feel more safe.
Posted By: dblade

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 09:50

I liked the "Legacy of Kain stuff".
But also BioShock was great

Further more the old DosGame "Monsterbash" (I played it when I was 6)

But the most scared Game is "WINDOWS"
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 10:01


But the most scared Game is "WINDOWS"

Especially Vista.
Posted By: Puppeteer

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 11:14


I liked the "Legacy of Kain stuff".

Yeah this is great indeed but not really scary.
Silent Hill is boring for me because you hear this radio and you know, now i have to hit a monster several times and it is dead. I like the story but its not scary.
One game that really scared me was FEAR but jeust the first time i played it.
If you play it twice it gets pretty boring.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 11:18

yeah F.E.A.R. scared me also in the first time.
but now i have the nickname Fear.
Posted By: FBL

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 12:29


My first 3d-game was Doom and I often moved my head just to look around the corner but it did not help since the screen is flat
This was scary.

I used to swing my body to the left and right to escape fireballs and the like whiel strafing... didn't help either...
Posted By: dblade

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 12:40

Do you know Heretic ?
It's was also a great Dos 3D-Game.
(There was a funny cheat to became a chicken [yes, became, not get ])

[WindowsNT New Terror
Posted By: HeelX

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 12:43

Thief 2 was a very scary game, indeed.

Though, I really hate scary games - I don't want to play games that make me feel unwell. I often don't find the time to play games. So.. when I actually play a game, I want to enjoy it. Funnily enough, I played and finished The Suffering I and II and they were scary as well, but like Thief I - III, there are game-elements which were more dominant and more enjoyable as all the "scared-to-death" things.
Posted By: dblade

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 12:49

Hey, the best game ever was SlaveZero but it wasn't scarred but also funny
Does somebody know this great Game ?
Posted By: FBL

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 13:15


Do you know Heretic ?
It's was also a great Dos 3D-Game.
(There was a funny cheat to became a chicken [yes, became, not get ])

Of course I do. Fantasy Doom There was also a sequel.
But all in all I liked Hexen a lot more... in fact I still love it today.
Posted By: dblade

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 15:10

Yes, Hexen is great.
But I could only get a Demo from DosGames.com

It also uses the Heretic Engine with some advantages like weather effects,etc.
All in all a great game.
But i think the best of John Romeo is Daikatana
Posted By: flits

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 15:17

i bought thief 1 & 2 for €5,- and i played thief 1 on my laptop whiteout a videocard on high so i tought why would i play 2
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 18:28



:D I remember playing Tomb Raider as a kid when suddenly some friggin gorilla showed up behind me and scared the crap out of me.

And I also hated Ravenholm in HL2 -.-. I was really so damn happy when I reached the exit ...

Yeah I know I'm a p*ssy, but that whole horror genre ain't my thing. Never was.

No, you are not a p*ssy, I can even agree with you. I was happy after finishing Ravenholm. The shotgun simply had not enough ammo.

Ravenholm scared the heck outta me, cause it seemed like there are infinite zombies just around every corner you could get... damn... i'm never going to pla THAT again
Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 18:40


My first 3d-game was Doom and I often moved my head just to look around the corner but it did not help since the screen is flat This was scary.


But now it becomes more and more un-scary. We are getting used to thrilling moments in front of computers. And besides that I know how to defend me in real life as well. That might help also to feel more safe.

Oddly enough it's been the other way around for me. The original Doom was not scary at all because the monsters looked too funny, e.g. the giant berry-like cacodemon On the other hand Doom3's graphics are too realistic and I have refrained from playing it. My main objection to horror games are pop-up effects where an enemy shows up unexpectedly- killing zombies at a distance is okay, but in Bioshock spawning a deranged doctor right behind your back just is annoying.
Speaking of Thief & Bioshock- what is it about Art Deco design that makes it so intense ?
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 18:49




:D I remember playing Tomb Raider as a kid when suddenly some friggin gorilla showed up behind me and scared the crap out of me.

And I also hated Ravenholm in HL2 -.-. I was really so damn happy when I reached the exit ...

Yeah I know I'm a p*ssy, but that whole horror genre ain't my thing. Never was.

No, you are not a p*ssy, I can even agree with you. I was happy after finishing Ravenholm. The shotgun simply had not enough ammo.

Ravenholm scared the heck outta me, cause it seemed like there are infinite zombies just around every corner you could get... damn... i'm never going to pla THAT again

Yeah, the thing about Ravenholm that makes it pretty scary are the fast running, jumping and crawling aliens that do huge damage. You need to be careful because they are really 'dangerous'. It was still just about the only part of Half-life2 that was scary, but it proves the fact that a gamer needs to feel a bit weak before you even can get scared. The lack of a big ammo pile there was a great idea,


That is exactly my problem, concerning movies, too. I'm really jealous of people who can be scared by games and movies.

Yeah, I think people that do get scared often have trouble with realizing that it's not real or that there's no reason to fear. I'm not saying it's wrong to be afraid or that those people are wussies, but objectively seen they shouldn't be. Still, there are plenty of times I've got to admit that certain movies did a great job of being quite convincing, even if only in specific scenes. So you won't hear me claim that there are no scary movies, but really getting scared is a whole different story indeed.


I think the more realistic the games become, the more the faults attract attention and destroy the gaming experience - Games that go the other way and don't try to be a copy of our reality, but build their own reality instead, can be much more convincing to me.

It depends on the kind of game, but generally speaking I would definitely agree. I think the keyword is 'convincing'. As long as something is convincing, it can be very scary. The Alien movie, albeit a sci-fi movie, was quite convincing when I first saw it.

Posted By: phil3d

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 18:49

Resident Evil 1 was hard but i was very young when i played it.
Posted By: Aaron_H

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/02/07 19:55

I remember when I was really young, my dad got me PACMAN for the Sega Master System and he told me that when you turn it on "ghosts come out to get you" and I was too scared to turn it on.

Another time when I was young, Resident Evil kinda freaked me out.

Now the only game that really freaks me out is FEAR, but even that's not so bad.
Horror films are my favourite films, so I'm kinda used to a lot of things in the horror world.
Posted By: RruthH

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/03/07 10:41


Asylum level in Painkiller was rather close to scare me, but it was more disguisting than scary

Oh yes I remember that one... O_O Still scared the hell outta me even though I had God Mode turned on
Posted By: padrino

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/03/07 14:38

I know this may not be the most classic "scary" game but CoD I could really scare the crap out of me when I first played it
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/03/07 15:37

Silent Hill and Clive Barker's Jericho for sure


Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/03/07 16:25

I found STALKER pretty darn creepy, especially the Yantar area.

The trigents in Farcry freaked me out too..
Posted By: Joey

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/03/07 16:30

cradle in thief3, dark project 1 and 2 had some scary levels, too. shadowman.
Posted By: achaziel

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/03/07 18:23

meh. i keep reading abour F.E.A.R. in here. that game was just a nice shooter with a story that aint that bad for that genre, but it wasn't scary at all, just like ravenholm out of HL2, resident evil (in general) and Doom 3. at least for me, and i'm not really a hardcore horror game player.

but silent hill scared the living [censored] outta me.
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/04/07 21:31

I gotta say , some of you get scared by strange games. Doom ? Fear ? Undying ? None of those games are scary , they are good games , but how are they scary ? Doom is one of the funest and coolest games i've ever played , but it's not a scary at all. Same for Doom 3 , there was all this oh it's [censored] scary hype around it and it was the least scary game i've ever played , in fact , i didnt even like it too much , i have to say i find the original doom much more fun and intense than the Doom 3 one. I LOVE resident evil as well , it's such a beautifull game to play(RE1,RE2,Veronica, Remake) , but again , not scary at all , just really really well done survival horror game. In fact Resident Evil was my favorite horror game, and one of my favorite games in general , untill I played Silent Hill that is. That was the first time a game actually made me nervous , I couldnt believe it. It;s still the only game that can make me uneasy , specially 1 and 3 , however , 2 is the best of them all , 2 is just a beautifull game , but not as scary as 1 and 3. I think a big reason why silent hill can get under ur skin is the combination of the music/atmospherics and the plot revolving around a cult , and "their" god , and other of this types of entities, after a while , all this together with the hellish place where your at , can actually instill fear in you , it's an incredibly well done game. For instance , take a look at who the last boss is
"Now this leads us to our villian - the one who's behind the whole thing. Sammael answers to many names such as Satan, Beelzebub and even Dragon. He is defined is the angel of poison or more familiar is his title of "the father of lies", given by Christianity. Children were sacrificed to Adramelech, a demon under Sammael's command in ancient times. What kind of poisons do we find in Silent Hill? Poison of the mind leading to insanity, poision of the body with White Claudia, poison of the truth which leads a determined father on a path of fear and deception. According to Jewish mysticism, in the legend of Talmud, Sammael meets another being cast out of Heaven by God. It is the demon, Lilith. (Remember the Lilith door in "Nowhere") Together, Sammael and Lilith are said to have each seduced Adam and Eve and the seductive serpent was Lilith, not Satan. His new companion becomes his wife and together they become a power couple of evil"
Silent hill is more than just a horror game , It has a lot of reference to real demons and angels , here i'll put some links to some pages that go more into detail on the references found in silent hill. Btw , if anyone reading hasnt played silent hill , definately read the pages , then find and play silent hill 1 or 3 , it's definately a completely diff experience than any other game u can play.


Those are a couple, there is a wealth of infromation on the subject on silent hill forums , I used to have some good links but this was years ago when i played the games. Definately Silent Hill is the scariest game i've ever played , and my favorite horror game.
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/04/07 21:40

i was scared to death by condemned and especially eternal darkness...

i was so scared my gamecube was broken i almost [censored] in my pants...
Posted By: achaziel

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/05/07 17:57

lol eternal darkness was funny, but not really scary. of course, the game had some moments, but it never scared me as much as silent hill did. as why_do_i_die described, the atmosphere in silent hill can't be compared with other games, you're nervous all the time, the story is extremely well done and goddamn twisted, the scenery is the sickest ever created...
to make it short: if you want to know how horror is defined, play silent hill. period.
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/05/07 19:33


lol eternal darkness was funny, but not really scary. of course, the game had some moments, but it never scared me as much as silent hill did. as why_do_i_die described, the atmosphere in silent hill can't be compared with other games, you're nervous all the time, the story is extremely well done and goddamn twisted, the scenery is the sickest ever created...
to make it short: if you want to know how horror is defined, play silent hill. period.

i found silent hill boring to death. aboslutely every aspect of it... resident evil on the other hand...
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/05/07 22:31

I totally digg the Resident Evil movies, I think those are awesome.. but the games.. No, not my thing. Silent Hill and Resident Evil are both too boring for my likings.

I do like Cold Fear a lot which is definitely in the same genre, but I think it's the setting of both Silent Hill and Resident Evil that turn me off or something. I also really liked Nocturne's atmosphere. Don't know if many people have played that game,

Posted By: FBL

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/05/07 22:43


I totally digg the Resident Evil movies, I think those are awesome..


The movies are crap imho.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/05/07 23:12

Yes, they are crap, but in a good way.

Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/06/07 07:30

Definately , the RE movies are a pile of turds , NOTHING compared to the game. It's as if the movies arent really based on the game other than for the story part , the whole feel of the movies is nothing like the game , the movies would be decent if they would have been called pale zombies or some [censored] , but not resident evil. Now , if ur not a fan of the game , i can understand liking them , but me as a fan of the game , i hated them , and I would assume that a movie based on a game should really aim to please the game's fans rather than strangers. So , bad movies , good games . Btw , for the ones who find them boring , both resident evil and silent hill , they arent action games , they are survival horror with adventure and rpg elements , so they are definately slow paced games , but if you have the patience to start looking for clues of whats happeninng and trying to figure out things , you will find yourself experiencing a whole new type of gaming experience , where your literally in a horror movie , exept here your controlling the protagonist , and exploring the plot and places and monsters fist hand, rather than just watching everything happen on the screen. Both RE and SH are beautifull games , both some of my all time favorite series. For the ones who like Fatal Frame , now there's the boring one , how on earth is a game where you fight ghosts from beyond with a camera by taking pictures of them popular I will never understand , LOL , horrible horrible gameplay design.
Posted By: PrenceOfDarkness

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/06/07 08:04



But the most scared Game is "WINDOWS"


Especially Vista.

Posted By: Puppeteer

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/14/07 14:41

Does anyone know Penumbra?
I think it is more scaring than FEAR or silent hill....

(here u can get the demo http://www.penumbra-overture.com/demo.php)
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Have you ever played a really scary game? - 11/14/07 14:46

I really like Penumbra. I wasn't all that impressed by it's scariness, but it does a good job trying and is an interesting experience nonetheless. I think FEAR had it's scary moments, but that tended to 'wear of' rather quickly ( the girl ghost that appears and disappears was very nice),

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