New Scooter Video

Posted By: dblade

New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 14:41

After the single "The Question is what is the Question",
now the video of the new single "And no more matches" was showed on ViVa
Another great jumpstyle track.
The single releases on Nov. 23 and the album will follow a week later
So, tell me what you think about.
Posted By: ChrisB

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 14:48

Damn, i missed it. Has somebody a youtube version or something?
Posted By: dblade

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 15:04

Today, it was first showed, maybe in the evening the show it again.
But it also will be on YouTube i think.
Wait 1 or 2 hours
Posted By: dblade

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 15:24

Here is the Video Scooter - and no more matches
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 17:45

dblade... you have just lost every single left bit of social capital you had.
Posted By: padrino

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 18:18

scooter is so freaggin dumb... sorry, but i had to say this. anyone here who agrees with me?
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 18:22


scooter is so freaggin dumb... sorry, but i had to say this. anyone here who agrees with me?

read what I read above you. It's like the kind version of what you said
Posted By: padrino

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 18:30


read what I read above you. It's like the kind version of what you said

I know, I know...
I mean - who can honestly take Scooter serious. It's a - just guessing - man who is slightly younger than my dad (so I would say early fourties) yelling some random stuff into a microphone while looking like he is about to go on some kind of amok run. And in the background there is some girl (?), definitly something with a high pitched voice singing some stuff that actually does make some sense, but is free of any importance whatsoever. And last but not least - electronic background music made with Music Maker 5 (something like that, I don't own, use or really know any of these programs)
Posted By: ChrisB

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 18:58

Scooter is just cool, nothing more to say.
Posted By: Blattsalat

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 20:15

hate dumb techno remixes. this one is "big big girl" from emuilya or somthing like that.
the original was scum and adding base drums to it makes it even lower scum.

scooter ist einfach nur, dumm dumm dumm dir ri dumm dumm dumm

Posted By: broozar

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 20:27

uuuttz uuuttz uuuttz uuuttz uuuttz uuuttz uuuttz uuuttz uuuttz ...

wie kann man sein hirn nur mit so was ausspülen?
Posted By: old_bill

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 20:57

Jedem was ihm gefällt, soviel (musikalische)-Meinungsfreiheit muss sein.
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 22:38

nicht bei scooter...
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 22:38

klobürste sucht...
Posted By: padrino

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 23:11


3 AM!
The painted cow !
You ain't stoppin` us now !
Wonderful human beings
Yeah ! I am the Junglist souldier.

Come On! The rocket launcher stops ya.
It's not a bird, it's not a plane
It must be Dave who`s on the train
Wanna wanna get'cha, gonna gonna get'cha
Tell them that I told ya

This is Scooter - Nessaja. Now anybody tell me what this means?
I mean is it just because of the fact that none of them are actually capeable of speaking any english at all or are they just so stupid? (Or am I and these lyrics do mean something?)
Posted By: ChrisB

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 23:22

Über Geschmack lässt sich nich streiten.
Ich finde es echt zum kotzen was ihr hier schreibt, mir gefällt die musik die ihr hört auch nicht aber mir ist es scheißegal was ihr hört und zieh nich darüber her.

Und nein, nicht jeder liedtext braucht einen sinn.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 23:51

It's about child soldiers in war and their hopeless situations actually. The full lyrics do give it away.. sort of.



[Pitched voice:] Always lived my life alone,
Been searching for the place called home.
I know that I've been cold as ice,
Ignored the dreams, too many lies.
Somewhere deep inside, Somewhere deep inside me,
I found ... the child I used to be
And I know that it's not too late
Never too late...

3 AM!
The painted cow !
You ain't stoppin` us now !
Wonderful human beings
Yeah ! I am the Junglist souldier.

Come On! The rocket launcher stops ya.
It's not a bird, it's not a plane
It must be Dave who`s on the train
Wanna wanna get'cha, gonna gonna get'cha
Tell them that I told ya

[Pitched voice:] Always lived my life alone,
Been searching for the place called home.
I know that I've been cold as ice,
Ignored the dreams, too many lies.
Somewhere deep inside,
Somewhere deep inside me,
I found ... the child I used to be
And I know that it's not too late
Never too late...

Are you ready ? It's not a game.
I chant so much, I turn you insane.
Wanna wanna get'cha, gonna gonna get'cha
Messing up the area

Come On !
I am the freshman
Messing up the jam !
Turning up the stereo
Join the caravan

Skippy, the rain won`t come !

[Pitched voice:] Somewhere deep inside,
Somewhere deep inside me,
I found ... the child I used to be
And I know that it's not too late
Never too late...

This kind of music definitely isn't quite my thing, but dancing on this music on parties can be nice. Scooter isn't the worst when it comes to techno, there's a lot worse.

Besides, how do you even dance to My Chemical Romance songs?

Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/02/07 23:55


Besides, how do you even dance to My Chemical Romance songs?

I don't?
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 00:20

My point exactly..

Posted By: sPlKe

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 03:43


Und nein, nicht jeder liedtext braucht einen sinn.

bei allem respekt, und glaube mir, ich respektiere dich sehr, aber da mussichdir widersprechen.
zugegeben, es mag reine geschmacks bzw wertesache sein, aber ich persönlich bin der meinung, dass musik sehr wohl etwas aussagen sollte, und das beginnt udn endet letztendlich bei den texten.
und obgleich mein widerspruch auch nur meine persönliche meinung darstellt, so finde ich doch, dass drei typen, alle weit über 40, der frontman der rumrennt wie billy idol im vollsuff, die behaupten ernsthafte vertreter deutscher musik zu sein, weit davon entfernt sind, ernst genommen zu werden.

zugegebenermaßen muss ich ähnliches über diverse "metal" bands wie rammstein oder ähnlichem auch sagen. es gibt wenige gute musik, aber die sagt etwas aus, wo wir wiede beim anfangspunkt angelangt wären...

edit: achja, der name scooter is übrigends so richtig schrottig - wie die musik
Posted By: PrenceOfDarkness

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 06:20

LMAO! Please... wtf is rap then? A bunch of people talking in a microphone? Rap shouldn't be called music, more like talking. Rap should be it's own little thing. I just hate the fact that you can compare it with REAL music. People say to me all the time "what? you think it's easy coming up with all that stuff to say?" My answer is no, but it's much harder to come up with something to sing and learn to play instruments in sync. Rap is poetry at best.
Don't get me wrong Poetry is great! My point is don't bash other people's music simply because you don't like it.

LMAO, besides if you guys want someone to laugh at, laugh at me, I like scooter, disturbed and CLOUD CULT! Seriously could the 3 be more different. Look up cloud cult and send me endless PMs of how gay I am ... no really I don't care I can simply delete them

Posted By: Blattsalat

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 06:38

as everyone can pick the music he likes, others can tell their oppinion about it as well. i dont mind if someone listens to scooter, but as far as i am concerned i would rather listen to some guineepig group vomiting then to this crap.

recyceling is great but no need to reuse old tracks and samples over and over again and define it as new music by pitching it or adding some base line.

text on the other hand is very important. doesnt need to be a certain way, but beside the track itself it also transports the mood and content of a song.

i cant think of one single thing where text aint important. bad texts/dubbing can ruin games, movies, songs, books, sex and meals.

the problem with scooter:
there is way too much good music arround that makes scooter more then unnecessary. and thats the only positive thing about scooter i can say

Posted By: padrino

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 09:30


Über Geschmack lässt sich nich streiten.
Ich finde es echt zum kotzen was ihr hier schreibt, mir gefällt die musik die ihr hört auch nicht aber mir ist es scheißegal was ihr hört und zieh nich darüber her.

Und nein, nicht jeder liedtext braucht einen sinn.

Richtig. Über Geschmack lässt sich streiten. Zum streiten gehört ein Argument und ein Gegenargument. Und wenn jemand hier postet das es ein "geiles" "neues" Scooter Video gibt und ich Scooter absolut zum Kotzen finde, ja, dann sage ich das auch so.

Was ich vor allem meine mit dem Text ist folgendes. DAS kann ich auch. Und das dann ins Mikro schreien kann ich auch. Moment, lasst mich mal versuchen einen Scooter Text zu verfassen


5 PM

ich denke mal das kommt recht nah an die wirkliche qualität ran. Wenn mir jetzt jemand nen Techno Beat gibt brüll ich das auch noch - wie gesagt - ins Mikro rein. Vielleicht wird das ja der nächste "Tophit"
Posted By: broozar

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 09:46

du hast ein "hypaaa!" in deinem text vergessen
Posted By: padrino

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 09:47


du hast ein "hypaaa!" in deinem text vergessen

Ist ja nur die erste Strophe
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 09:57

Klar darf jeder ne Meinung zu allem und jedem haben, und man darf die auch äußern.
Aber das kann man ja auch auf eine Art und Weise tun die nicht in indirekte oder direkte persönliche Angriffe ausartet.

Meine Meinung: Mit Scooter oder irgendeinem anderem Techno kann ich persönlich nix anfangen.
Auf ner Feier kann man es mal ertragen wenns nötig ist, aber nicht privat.

Aber wie schon so richtig gesagt wurde: Jedem das seine
Posted By: Sebe

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 10:38 meint unter anderem:


Scooter sind das eingetragene Warenzeichen für anspruchslosen Vocal-Techno-Schwachsinn.

Juhui, ein Musikthread ^_^

Es ist zweifellos, dass sowohl Texte als auch Musik von Scooter jeglichem künstlerischen Wert entbehren - nicht umsonst stapeln sich die 1-Stern-Reviews bei deren Releases ein ums andere Mal.
Nichtsdestotrotz muss ich zugeben, dass ich wohl zu Scooter ganz gut abgehen könnte, sofern mir ein frei zugänglicher und unerschöpflicher Vorrat an hartem Alkohol zur Verfügung steht. Und da ich auch mit Blutengel und Co. an Parties etwas anfangen kann, deren Texte (dafür, dass es Musik aus der sog. "Schwarzen Szene" ist) auch nicht allzu viel Niveau haben, darf ich sowieso nichts gegen Scooter sagen

Ganz abgesehen davon lässt sich in der Sache des Musikgeschmacks durchaus streiten - und zwar insofern als dass der Musikgeschmack schon einiges über eine Person aussagt. Selbstverständlich spielt hier das Umfeld etc. eine sehr grosse Rolle, doch wage ich zu behaupten dass der durchschnittliche Scooter-Fan gegenüber dem Durchschnitt der Masse definitiv einen Defizit an Kultur und Bildung hat.

So und jetzt hör ich weiter "1000 tote Nutten" von Eisregen, dessen Text hat immerhin Gehalt *hust*
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 13:46


LMAO! Please... wtf is rap then? A bunch of people talking in a microphone? Rap shouldn't be called music, more like talking. Rap should be it's own little thing. I just hate the fact that you can compare it with REAL music. People say to me all the time "what? you think it's easy coming up with all that stuff to say?" My answer is no, but it's much harder to come up with something to sing and learn to play instruments in sync. Rap is poetry at best.
Don't get me wrong Poetry is great! My point is don't bash other people's music simply because you don't like it.

LMAO, besides if you guys want someone to laugh at, laugh at me, I like scooter, disturbed and CLOUD CULT! Seriously could the 3 be more different. Look up cloud cult and send me endless PMs of how gay I am ... no really I don't care I can simply delete them


rap is techno for weed junkies. the weed they smoke makes them so slow, that rap is liek hardcore superfast techno for them...
fasten any rap song up, four to five times, maybe ten and you have another high pitched techno song..

the same-.-
and..@ sebe...
you know what i think of them

@ padrino:
write a full text and ill make ya a techno song out of it!
Posted By: dblade

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 19:25

Entschuldigung, wusste gar nicht, dass man mit so 'nem simplen kleinen Thread so
viel Arger verursachen kann
Aber ich denke schon, dass wir die musikalische Meinungsfreiheit (oder auch Meinungsfreiheit überhaupt) wahren sollten.
Nebenbei ist Scooter eigentlich nicht die einzige Musik, die ich höre, also Bitte.
Ich hör das nur zum Sport.

Und ich hoffe mal, das die meisten Beleidigungen aus Unwissenheit über
andere Stücke entstanden sind, da es eine Menge schöner Lieder von Scooter
gibt, die ohne gesang laufen (Trance-Atlantic, Love is an Ocean, Dutch Christmas,etc.)

Um das Ganze allerdings nicht allzuernst zu gestalten, hier ein kleiner Link:
Stupidedia - Scooter
Und hier ein anderer Link um eine Band durch den Dreck zu ziehen:
Nirvana - Stupidedia

Wenn ihr das also lest, dann beides

Grüße, db
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 21:31


LMAO, besides if you guys want someone to laugh at, laugh at me, I like scooter, disturbed and CLOUD CULT! Seriously could the 3 be more different.

Same here, I like all kinds of different music styles as long as it's good music. Defining good music is like defining art, some people will always disagree on whether something can be called art. Don't forget there's a lot of 'bad art' in music too. I like rap, but there's a big 85% out there that sucks bigtime,

Posted By: Inari

Re: New Scooter Video - 11/03/07 22:50


Aber wie schon so richtig gesagt wurde: Jedem das seine

ganz genau
ich bin ein Fan von Scooter und ein von Shooter,
dafür verachte ich Rapper und Rennspiele

jedem das seine
Posted By: sPlKe

Mofa - Animal Love - 11/06/07 18:04

As promised earlier, i amde a song out of the lyrics padrino provided.
and while it dull, repentitve and very ugly to listen to, its what i hear when i listen to scooter.
its made in 20 minutes and is called animal love, the "band" is called MOFA

enjoy my newest shite^^

Mofa - Animal Love
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Mofa - Animal Love - 11/06/07 21:55

Hhahaha, that's hilarious, great stuff!! ( Lol, actually, the techno itself isn't bad )

Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Mofa - Animal Love - 11/06/07 22:31

nice nice
Posted By: Azurite

Re: Mofa - Animal Love - 11/06/07 23:09

I've heard far worse stuff, and that's quite sad ^^

That text either sounds like bad porn that thankfully leaves much to the imagination, or like a cooking recipe for a psychopath Chinese cannibal.
Posted By: padrino

Re: Mofa - Animal Love - 11/07/07 16:07


I've heard far worse stuff, and that's quite sad ^^

That text either sounds like bad porn that thankfully leaves much to the imagination, or like a cooking recipe for a psychopath Chinese cannibal.

You just gave the most exact definition of scooter


As promised earlier, i amde a song out of the lyrics padrino provided.
and while it dull, repentitve and very ugly to listen to, its what i hear when i listen to scooter.
its made in 20 minutes and is called animal love, the "band" is called MOFA

enjoy my newest shite^^

Mofa - Animal Love

Awesome! I can't listen to it right now, since I dont have my own pc here, nor does this one have speakers. I will do so as soon as I get home on friday.

I was acutally planning on adding a little bit more lyrics to gave you a little bit more to work with - but you just were too fast
Posted By: dblade

Re: Mofa - Animal Love - 11/08/07 14:39

Talented - Maybe a bit faster (like GABBER ?)
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Mofa - Animal Love - 11/08/07 15:04


Talented - Maybe a bit faster (like GABBER ?)

you dont get it, do you?

He is showing how easy it is to do techno music because it is primitive and stupid and does not require any talent.
Posted By: dblade

Re: Mofa - Animal Love - 11/09/07 13:16

This was ironic (means "Ironie", i hope)
Posted By: Endgegner

Re: Mofa - Animal Love - 11/09/07 13:31



Talented - Maybe a bit faster (like GABBER ?)

you dont get it, do you?

He is showing how easy it is to do techno music because it is primitive and stupid and does not require any talent.

That really depends. I personally also think Scooter is pretty dumb, but - if you allow me to talk about "techno" in a more general sense - you try making an Aphex Twin kind of track... Gabber can also be rather complex. I'm not a techno aficionado, but I can imagine that stuff is more about getting the sound perfect. Just my two cents.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Mofa - Animal Love - 11/09/07 17:52

It definitely depends... there's shitty techno for the masses and .. well some more shitty techno for the masses that's slightly better, so yeah no wonder it's nót extremely difficult to make techno songs like this...

Still... making songs that will beat Scooter in sales is a whole different story. (blame it on the people obviously )

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