Free Sample of our first single!

Posted By: sPlKe

Free Sample of our first single! - 11/04/07 21:06

Well, not exactly. I mean, it is free, but its not a sample. and its actually not our band, but rather my wife...

but lets start from the beginning...

a few months ago, during rehearsals with my band, my wife asked me if i could help her write some music. she is a talented singer and pianist, but rather unexperienced...

so i agreed...

sometime down the road i wrote her a song, lyrics and melodies. together, we recorded everything and today, we present it to everyone via myspace...

so here it is...


You can listen to two songs: A Story Untold, original version, and a remix i did, basically more guitar driven, called The Raven...

so listen to the songs and tell me if you like it and wich version you prefer^^
Posted By: Joey

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/04/07 22:31

aidenn queen? that's a beautiful name. aidenn means "eden", doesn't it? i've read it somewhere recently in a fantasy story.

your music sounds ok to me, i like the style, but it's a bit monotoneous. not bad, but also not that conspicuous.

Posted By: Azurite

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/04/07 22:48

I can see where you're coming from... it's no complicated composition with a typical structure.
I guess maybe you'll like the second song (not yet recorded) better then, it will be longer and structured quite differently. Thanks for your feedback so far ^^

Oh, and I was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven"... there's a part that goes like

Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels named Lenore
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
Posted By: Straight_Heart

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/05/07 03:31

nice voice, its sounds cool to have a husband wife combo.

the instruments and music itself sounds waaaayyy too synthetic, too "midi", too clean. You might want to download better drum samples.
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/05/07 03:33

well i gotta say , i really really wanted to come say it was a pile of garbage after hearing it was ur wife , but , after hearing it it's pretty good. Still , wwhat are u doing letting ur wife compose music , shouldnt she be scrubbing the floor or doing some dishes ?
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/05/07 04:12


well i gotta say , i really really wanted to come say it was a pile of garbage after hearing it was ur wife , but , after hearing it it's pretty good. Still , wwhat are u doing letting ur wife compose music , shouldnt she be scrubbing the floor or doing some dishes ?

well, she can do that and do music

comeon, we live in 2007... nowadays, women do what they want.. and its good that way-.-
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/05/07 08:04

"comeon, we live in 2007... nowadays, women do what they want.. and its good that way-.- "
Yes , this are some very gay times we're living in , but this can't last forever.
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/05/07 08:43

lol i love how you snuck in "gay" as a derogatory term. not a rarity of course but adds an interesting touch to this already-derogatory post!

not that i agree with him.

on-topic: decent music. better than a lot of stuff i've heard on the radio but lacks the professional touch thanks to what seems to be MIDI, and the vocal effects feel over-done to my ears. very nice voice, though, and overall i like the song. both versions.

i'm not enough of a fan of your flavour of music to justify picking one over the other, as one doesn't really stand out above the other.

Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/05/07 08:54

Well I dont see howh gay cannot be derogatory , soon people will make it a compliment , lol.
For my full answer to the music , i like it , but like Julz said , there is something missing , I didnt really like the singing , the voice is nice , but over all it feels like an atmosphere track rather than a song , in my opinion , u should get rid of the voice , or fade it like a background , and have ur wife sing something , like , a story or something , but she should sing in a normal voice , maybe a sad story or something , have some feeling in the song. But over all it's good , give diff styles a shot , it's hard to nail it on the first try.

Edit: Btw , I know nothing about music , so dont take me too seriously , LOL.
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/05/07 09:06


Well I dont see howh gay cannot be derogatory , soon people will make it a compliment , lol.

just simply that some people, even straights, take offense at "gay" being used as a negative thing i thought it was funny to use it there because it just broadens the derogatory-ness (not a word, i know) of the post. whether you mean it or not, i take it all as humour, which can partly be attributed to my fantastic mood today, and partly to the fact that one of my mates makes a lot of jokes like that and it's somewhat funny to be reminded of him on this forum in such a way.

Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/05/07 15:56

can you stop bashing gays in my thread? make a gay bashing thread i can boycott or something... jesus... conservatives-.-

well, those trakcs are mixed one by me and one by my baby. we have a professional mixing the final version, so maybe you stay tuned?
Posted By: achaziel

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/05/07 17:27


well i gotta say , i really really wanted to come say it was a pile of garbage after hearing it was ur wife , but , after hearing it it's pretty good. Still , wwhat are u doing letting ur wife compose music , shouldnt she be scrubbing the floor or doing some dishes ?


Well I dont see howh gay cannot be derogatory , soon people will make it a compliment , lol.


dude, seriously. go back to your cave.

back to topic. i like the voice, but as you said, she's a little bit unexperienced yet. i'm no professional at this, but i'm sure a little bit more training wouldn't hurt. not that i'm saying that she's a bad singer, not at all.

and, as quite many said before, something's missing, it sounds a little bit like a midi, but i'm sure you're going to fix that as well. very good work so far ^^
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/05/07 20:06

Not that that your music is really the style of music I will listen to everyday but the song itself was relaxing in a way
Besides, making music is hard Spike, I can only be jealous about this, in a positive way that is


Posted By: William

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/06/07 06:11

Not bad Spike, certainly a different style. Thought the piano was the stronger point. I had trouble making out the words though, maybe raise the voice track higher, or perhaps this was intended. Either way, keep it up, music takes many many years of practice, and it'll only get better.
Posted By: Captain_Kiyaku

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/06/07 09:27

And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!

Sorry, couldn't resist to quote edga allen poe after reading Azurite doing it D8

I like the song, and i like the voice even more. The only problem i see is that the song is quite monotonic like people mentioned before allready.

Also i was scared when i clicked on the link, that some hardcore metal will come up or something But now, it's newwave/darkwave/whatever, which is really cool

Keep it on!
Posted By: Azurite

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/06/07 22:57

@ that caveman from page 1:

Simpleton. Of course I shouldn't.
It would be a tremendous waste of intelligence.

I prefer to do things that require at least a bit of talent.
(Even if I'm an untrained singer, that will come in time.)
Scrubbing the floor doesn't count. Even my moron cats can do that, and unintentionally, too.

Some English lessons from a German speaker for you: "Gay" is a synonym for "happy".
Are you emo or why would that be derogatory to you?

@ The rest: Thanks again. We'll have a friend who's a professional sound technician give us better software and show us the most important things. We have no clue about professional mastering so far, so that was the best we could do on our own. It wasn't intended to be more than a demo for now.
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/09/07 01:57

edit: Post deleted , those were too personal views to be posting on a game development forum , I was just bothered by the "caveman" reference.
Posted By: Azurite

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/09/07 10:53

If you've just meant that first post humorously, then I take the caveman back.

Otherwise I stand by my opinion.

Still, thanks for your second post regarding the music.
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/22/07 11:12

so, i sat down and tweaked the mix a little bit...
you can listen to it here: and its called A Story Untold Spike Version
wich can also be downloaded as mp3 here! (rightclick and save as)

Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Free Sample of our first single! - 11/22/07 13:43

I think the "Spike Version" sounds better... but thats just me
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