Google Open Source phone software ?

Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Google Open Source phone software ? - 11/06/07 02:01

Some interesting news about the upcoming "Android" platform :
and the analysts chime in :

(Disclaimer: my company is part of the alliance but I only know our part of the SDK not whether the rest is going to be any good)
Posted By: Doug

Re: Google Open Source phone software ? - 11/06/07 20:17

Before somebody asks, I don't know of any plans to port 3DGS to "Android" at this time.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Google Open Source phone software ? - 11/07/07 01:01

Mmmm, one thing that I do wonder about all this... does this rule out the possibility of an actual Google-phone being in development? I read people now assume Google had no intention of doing Iphone-like things, but are there any inside rumors about this? Don't know if you even know or are able to answer this, but I ask anyway,

Posted By: Marco_Grubert

Re: Google Open Source phone software ? - 11/07/07 19:54

Well..seems like there are lots of handheld manufacturers in the alliance, as well as 2 carriers and some software companies. The whole thing is managed by Google. What do you think?
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Google Open Source phone software ? - 11/07/07 22:13

Yeah, that's why I wondered if it makes sense to discard the rumor like what's happening on a lot of sites now... I guess it does not make much sense hehehe,

Posted By: Doug

Re: Google Open Source phone software ? - 11/09/07 01:43

I doubt Google will sell phone hardware, but I bet they are positioning themselves to be the top search/add service for cell-phones.

When you use your Android-enabled phone to find a store, read your email, order pizza, text-message your buddy, or call your mom, Google will be there taking notes and pushing ads.
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