lcd or crt ??

Posted By: zazang

lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 03:41

well the time has come for me to upgrade to a new beast,but
I am stuck between choosing an lcd screen or the age old crt.

On reading reviews,I realised that lcd only has a "native" resolution
support and trying anything less or more of resolution will create
lower quality images than crt.Does this not make lcd screens pretty
useless for professional developers like us ?.

If anyone has experiences with both,please share.I really am confused !

PS I am thinking of buying a 17inch lcd screen,because with a 19 inch I have to pan/tilt my head a lot
Posted By: MrCode

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 04:42

Well, I guess it kinda depends on the size. I'm using a 15" LCD and it's fine for me. The only real drawbacks I can think of are that it can't go any higher than 1024x768, which is the physical pixel depth of the screen, and if the monitor goes off for a long period of time while the computer is still on, then when it wakes back up, the colors are a little tinted. But that goes away after about 30 seconds. At resolutions lower than the physical pixel depth, say 640x480, it's not too different, just the pixels being a little fuzzier (because the monitor has to fill all those extra pixels; I think this is a side-effect of any type of monitor).

Hope this helps your decision.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 06:50


PS I am thinking of buying a 17inch lcd screen,because with a 19 inch I have to pan/tilt my head a lot

I have both a 17inch and a 22inch monitor, but head tilting/panning isn't much of an issue really. It does take some time to get used to more space on your desktop, but you're probably already sitting at at least half a meter away from your monitor right? In my experience head tilting doesn't become an issue except when you go bigger than 22inch. You should go see them in a store if you're able to, go sit in front of them, try sitting at different distances.

Off course it's your choice, but you should at least look into it. I used to believe head tilting/panning would be an issue with 19inch monitors... well for me personally, I turned out to be wrong.

If you want a really nice monitor and are willing to spend some bucks for it, go with a Samsung 226BW (that's the 22inch one LCD) (or one of it's smaller brothers/sisters)... The best money I've ever spend on a monitor for sure. Heck I would buy another one if I had the money.

I wouldn't buy a CRT monitor, LCDs seem to be better now.. at least the newer ones are afaik, but don't take anything for granted just because I say so. There are a LOT of different kinds of monitors. It's really worth checking them out in a store to get a better look at them.

Posted By: zazang

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 10:11

Thanks for the great inputs !

But one question remains.Can lcd monitors show resolutions higher than
the native resolutions and does it look bad ?

Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 11:40

No, they can't show a higher resolution then their native maximum resolution. (They can show parts of the higher resolutions, but the screen won't show all there is.. much like with old monitors in a higher res than supported).

But most modern LCDs can show at least up to 1280x1024 though which is often more than enough. The Samsung 226BW can show up to 1680x1050 widescreen resolution and some bigger LCDs can show even higher but those are more expensive.

Personally I really don't think you miss out on anything not being able to see higher resolutions than 1680x1050. Most games do support up to 1600x1200, but like I said.. LCDs monitors that can show those resolutions are both big and really expensive. The Samsung 226BW is probably the best buy when it comes to performance, quality and price/value though,

Posted By: Xarthor

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 12:24

Go for an LCD monitor but not a 17"
The problem (as far as I know) with 17" is that its too big for 1024x768 but to small for 1280x1024.
So either go for a 15" or a 19"
and by the way: I don't need to pan my head at all (using a 19" LCD)
Posted By: Loopix

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 12:28


PS I am thinking of buying a 17inch lcd screen,because with a 19 inch I have to pan/tilt my head a lot

That's actually very good! It keeps you from becoming typical "PC-stiffnes"...much better than fixing a screen without moving your head...for hours.

For game dev I'd even buy two 19" LCD's...just to keep your head'll be even better if the screen would slightly move foreward and backward...else you'll get focusing problems after some years...

sincerly yours

Dr. Med. Loopix (promotioned in moralizing and critisizing)

...Yeah and I'd definately choose a LCD nowadays (2 milisec. reaction time...)
Posted By: ventilator

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 13:05

are crts still available?

go for a lcd. they are much nicer to the eyes. lower resolutions than the native one are absolutely no problem for games. it's more a problem with fonts in windows but even there it's no big deal and why would you want a lower resolution there anyway?

and instead of two monitors i would go for one really big one. i love my new 24" monitor.
Posted By: zazang

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 14:31

I would really wanna buy an lcd screen...probably a wall hanging 19 inch,but
I am stuck with one problem with the A7 game development perspective.I have to make games that support higher resolution.So how do I make panels for higher resolutions and test them ?.
Should we make lower res panels and scale them higher or the other way round.
I guess lower sized images when scaled would look bad but higher size images cannot be seen in an lcd...damn !
Posted By: ventilator

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 14:55

in your image editing program it shouldn't be a problem to create bigger images. you can scroll. and then do some panel scaling code. i don't know what your requirements are but i wouldn't make the resolution of the panel images too big. i think 1024x768 or 1280x1024 is a good panel resolution.

...and you could get a 21" 1600x1200 or 24" 1920x1200 lcd. most crts can't do more either.
Posted By: zazang

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 15:14

ok now it seems I will go for 21 inch lcd..thanks so much !!
Posted By: Dan Silverman

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/08/07 18:56

As pointed out, you cannot exceed (go beyond) the native screen resolution of an LCD monitor. Therefore, it is important that you invest in an LCD monitor with the highest screen resolution you will use. You can run them at lower screen resolutions if you want to but, depending on the LCD monitor, some degradation can be noticed. However, I have not had any problems with my screen when it comes to this. I run it at its native screen res for everyday work, etc, and only let this change for some games that require a lower screen resolution.

I would get a large LCD screen with a high screen resolution. I am running a 24" LCD that has a screen resolution of 1920 x 1200 (wide screen format). Besides the screen resolution and overall monitor size, the next important thing to consider is the monitor's refresh rate. The faster (the lower the number) the better. I have not had to look at LCD screens in almost two years, so I don't know what the refresh rates are at now, but lower cost monitors tend to have worse refresh rates. This is one area you don't really want to skimp on. Refresh rates tell you about how quickly the monitor can refresh each pixel on the screen. If the number is high (a poorer refresh rate) then you can see "ghosting" when something is moving on the screen. This is very important when you are playing a game, modeling in a 3D app (and moving or rotating an object) or even watching a movie. Ghosting is when you have a sort of blur from frame to frame which, frankly, gives me a headache. If the refresh rate is high enough then you get little to no ghosting at all.

I would shoot for at least 8-12ms for the refresh rate. If they have faster, great, but compare prices and refresh rates for each monitor. If the refresh rates get up to 16ms or higher, then I would forget the monitor and find another. However, refresh rates are a strange thing. Like benchmarked software, companies tend to use a variety of means to determine refresh rates and then list the best result (ignoring the poor results). Therefore it is possible for one monitor to have a poorer refresh rate (i.e. 12ms) and actually outperform one rated with a lower refresh rate.

Before buying your monitor you should research and compare the specs for each monitor looking for the things I listed above (max screen resolution, monitor refresh rate and overall monitor size) and a few other things such as the viewing angle, etc. Then, after narrowing it down a bit, I would read a lot of reviews to see if anyone is mentioning any problems or complaining about a monitor's refresh rate, etc. Places like Tom's Hardware, etc, tend to review hardware, putting them to the test and telling you about the pluses and minuses.

I hope this has helped a bit.
Posted By: zazang

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/09/07 02:11

Dan - great inputs there.Thanks
Posted By: inFusion

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/14/07 12:26

For all the germans in here:
This page is very good when it comes to choosing a new lcd

They have a lot of tests and reviews etc there
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: lcd or crt ?? - 11/14/07 14:53


I would shoot for at least 8-12ms for the refresh rate. If they have faster, great, but compare prices and refresh rates for each monitor. If the refresh rates get up to 16ms or higher, then I would forget the monitor and find another. However, refresh rates are a strange thing. Like benchmarked software, companies tend to use a variety of means to determine refresh rates and then list the best result (ignoring the poor results). Therefore it is possible for one monitor to have a poorer refresh rate (i.e. 12ms) and actually outperform one rated with a lower refresh rate.

Yes, the monitor I mentioned (Samsung 226BW) is said to have a refresh rate of 2ms, but in reality it's more somewhere near 6ms or 7ms. Same story goes for contrast ratio. On the box it says 3000:1 (dynamic) contrast ratio which is insanely high, but in reality it's closer to 1000:1 contrast ratio.

So... don't believe the specs on the box, but check reviews out and look at the monitor in the store if you can ,

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