Animax Christmas card

Posted By: bupaje

Animax Christmas card - 12/14/07 21:02

The place I worked released their latest Christmas card. Not your usual Christmas story. A few past years cards are there as well. These cards are usually hammered out very quickly between other jobs and I thought those involved did a pretty good job in the short time they had.
Posted By: Straight_Heart

Re: Animax Christmas card - 12/14/07 21:27

that was pretty cool.

I know you work with animax now, how is it over there? Did you get to help in any part of that animation?
Posted By: Joey

Re: Animax Christmas card - 12/14/07 21:58

cool video, thanks =)
Posted By: bupaje

Re: Animax Christmas card - 12/14/07 23:30

No. Small group of animators squeezed it in between assignments. Carl - the guy who did the backgrounds- sites next to me and he is just amazing to watch. Not only can he draw, like most of the guys and gals here, but he is fast and easily transitions from one style to the next. Amazing to watch. I've attached a wire from his chair to mine in the hopes that I can absorb some of his power. I'm pretty much stuck (in a good way) drawing props for an interactive children's toy site that launches in two weeks and we're racing to finish. In fact I'll be working with no days off except Christmas day and New Years day until Jan 4th or so. I did get to work on designs for two games we are pitching to a well known cartoon company that asked us to bid on 20 or so web games and that was a bit of fun.
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Animax Christmas card - 12/15/07 11:56

That sounds pretty cool!
I wish you all your power and inspiration to get it finished in the most satisfying way!

The greeting animation is great, too!
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Animax Christmas card - 12/15/07 19:00

Great video indeed, nice creativity
Happy (early) Xmass ^^


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