Linux Game Design (Any chance...?)

Posted By: DeKO_Mania

Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 06:18

Ok so I really have two questions, the first of which I am sure I already know the answer to. Firstly, is there any chance that 3D Gamestudio will port over to Linux, or that it is compatable with Fedora 8? Secondly, assuming no, are there any decent game design engines along the lines of 3DGS that are designed for linux, or even specifically for Fedora?

Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 06:24

look up the cube 2 engine or it might be under a title called sauerbraten. it works on most os's. and no your right 3dgs doesnt work on linux without an emulator and then it goes at an unusable framerate.
Posted By: broozar

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 09:32

irrlicht would be my premier choice.
Posted By: mk_1

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 11:14

Acknex is a DirectX9 engine and not designed for Linux.
I'd recommend irrlicht, too.
Posted By: FBL

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 11:26

There are people who ran Acknex successfully with Acceptable framerates on Linux using Winex - but I don't think this is really useful for much more than development...
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 11:44


with Acceptable framerates

really? i've tried it on knoppix and kubuntu on 3 different decent level/semi high end systems and never found a solution that was acceptable... well thats at least a little good news.
Posted By: FBL

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 12:06

I haven't tried, but people said so. I can't remember who said that, though.
Posted By: Damocles

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 12:18

I can also run Amiga Programs on my PC, wich does not mean that the WindowsPC is
ment for running Amiga Games.
If you (for whatever reason) only want to use Linux, dont try to bend yourself and your
operating system to somwhow run Windows bases Programs. Its better to get Windows then in the first place.

Many other Indy OpenGL engines have native Linux support.
Posted By: broozar

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 12:31

ShiVa will offer a native linux support in the near future (see my sig).
Michael_Schwarz runs Acknex in Cedega, which is more or less an enhanced WINE, at acceptable framerates, there are lads out there who play oblivion in cedega...
another possibility would be virtualizing the WINos through xen (SuSE, full/true virtualizing through AMD Pacifica virt. tech. or the Intel equivalent) or virtualbox (not as speedy).
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 13:39



with Acceptable framerates

really? i've tried it on knoppix and kubuntu on 3 different decent level/semi high end systems and never found a solution that was acceptable... well thats at least a little good news.

you shouldn't use KDE then. I have noticed severe framerate drops when using KDE, but a very nice overall performance when using GNOME for instance, or XFE
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 19:20

wait why dont you just do a dual boot with a small portion that you can use for windows software? it not like its that hard to do, if you can install and use linux, then you probably know enough to dual boot anyways.
Posted By: broozar

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 21:30


wait why dont you just do a dual boot with a small portion that you can use for windows software? it not like its that hard to do, if you can install and use linux, then you probably know enough to dual boot anyways.

well the topic says "Linux Game Design". so avoiding linux by setting up a windows partition misses the target.
Posted By: Damocles

Re: Linux Game Design (Any chance...?) - 02/02/08 22:06

Thats a Kids thread again.
Talking about senseless trials to emulate Windowssoftware on Linux.

The guy asked about Linux gamedesign options, not about kiddies playing with emulators.

3dgs is not usable on Linux, point.

Torque is, point.

Others are also available.

If he wants to use 3dgs, he should get Windows like 80% of the other computer users.
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