Need Faster Internet? Forget Broadband ... Grid!

Posted By: Dan Silverman

Need Faster Internet? Forget Broadband ... Grid! - 04/07/08 13:23

Here is an interesting article on a new way to surf the web ... The Grid:,2933,347212,00.html

While it is not available to the public yet, it sure makes you want to be hooked to The Grid, doesn't it.
Posted By: William

Re: Need Faster Internet? Forget Broadband ... Gri - 04/07/08 13:57

Hopefully one day. \:\)
Posted By: Dan Silverman

Re: Need Faster Internet? Forget Broadband ... Gri - 04/07/08 16:44

The Grid is already in use and will be available to some universities as soon as this fall. So one day seems to be coming pretty quickly. I just don't understand the part of the article about this technology not making it to the rest of us quickly. They have been laying fiber-optic cables for years.
Posted By: amy

Re: Need Faster Internet? Forget Broadband ... Gri - 04/07/08 17:00

Not making it available to the masses actually is the point of it. \:\) They probably arenīt eager to have 90% of the bandwidth spent by the bittorrent protocol.

This also isnīt a new way to surf the web and it isnīt a broadband replacement (if by broadband you mean DSL or some other way to bring the internet to your house).
Posted By: checkbutton

Re: Need Faster Internet? Forget Broadband ... Gri - 04/08/08 11:14

Erm... even if you have grid, you still need a fast internet connection. Grid is a new technique of handling ressources, but it doesn't magically pimp your 56k modem to a fibre-line...
Posted By: Toast

Re: Need Faster Internet? Forget Broadband ... Gri - 04/08/08 11:27

 Originally Posted By: Dan Silverman
The Grid is already in use and will be available to some universities as soon as this fall. So one day seems to be coming pretty quickly. I just don't understand the part of the article about this technology not making it to the rest of us quickly. They have been laying fiber-optic cables for years.

Well of course fibre-optic cables have been in use for years but only at rather rare spots. That's also a reason why - dunno like 90% of the home broadband connections (I read an article about that some while back) are done via DSL which works via normal telephone cables...

Fibre-optics cables mostly can be found in big cities and around (scientific) universities / science labs. So as long as you won't convince the ISPs to dig out thousands of miles of cable, replace it with fibre-optic ones and dump their whole DSL hardware it won't come anytime soon... ;\)

Enjoy your meal
Posted By: checkbutton

Re: Need Faster Internet? Forget Broadband ... Gri - 04/08/08 17:07

As I understood Grid, it is a decentral technique, like p2p. And that is why everything will get faster and faster with Grid, but it is still limited by your bandwidth.
Posted By: Toast

Re: Need Faster Internet? Forget Broadband ... Gri - 04/08/08 17:22

 Originally Posted By: checkbutton
As I understood Grid, it is a decentral technique, like p2p. And that is why everything will get faster and faster with Grid, but it is still limited by your bandwidth.

Well when referring to this:
This is because the Internet has evolved by linking together a hotchpotch of cables and routing equipment, much of which was originally designed for telephone calls and therefore lacks the capacity for high-speed data transmission.

By contrast, the grid has been built with dedicated fibre optic cables and modern routing centres, meaning there are no outdated components to slow the deluge of data. The 55,000 servers already installed are expected to rise to 200,000 within the next two years.

it sound like some kind of new technique to transmit data via fibre-optic cables. Otherwise this wouldn't have been special in any way and wouldn't have needed special grid servers but just the common ones for fibre-optics...

Enjoy your meal
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Need Faster Internet? Forget Broadband ... Gri - 04/10/08 02:00

Man forget about the Grid , you failed to mention the reason for the Grid , to gather the information from the (LHC)Large Hadron Collider , a potentially dangerous experiment with the capacity to destroy earth if anything goes wrong. Here's a link to some of the risks involved.
Wow , it's incredible that I had never heard of this LHC , I would imagine something of such magnitude would be mainstream knoledge.
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