Hitler is back in Germany

Posted By: fastlane69

Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 09:04

Guardian article

This is the new Hitler wax-work display in Berlin.
Looks like something out of a video game, right?
There is a "shader-esque" quality to this display which initially caught my eye.



And personally, a very tasteful way to remember a difficult part of German history without glorifying, or indeed editorializing, his legacy.

Posted By: Wicht

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 09:24

Hitler is no more a taboo subject in Germany. Look here...

Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 10:33

I don't understand a lick of german, but that first video still cracked me up!

You still can't name your kid "hitler" in Germany though, right?
Posted By: Captain_Kiyaku

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 10:34

Hitler was his last name, why should you call a kid like that? ^^''
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 10:36

I seem to remember a regulation that prohibited "Hitler" from being any kind of name (first, last, middle name).

I also seem to remember that this was related to the curtailing of neo-nazi movements in Germany.

I could be WAY off base though. crazy
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 10:36

Originally Posted By: fastlane69
I don't understand a lick of german, but that first video still cracked me up!

You still can't name your kid "hitler" in Germany though, right?

and there are people still named hitler to this day. heck, slowly, people start to realize the truth ang finalyl get over it. will take some time but i think in a few years down the road, most of us are over him and remember not to go down that path without extrageragging anything related to him or the good things he has done (like highways and cheap cars and such)
Posted By: Captain_Kiyaku

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 10:38

I don't think they would change your name if you get born with the family name "hitler". But dunno, i'm not much into this topic ^^'
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 10:42

My now increasingly suspect recollection is that it was a policy on newborns... as in you could not put "Hitler" anywhere on the birth certificate.
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 10:50

Found this (finally!):


Germany has strict rules governing the naming of children. Parents have to choose from a list of court-approved names, to prevent a child from becoming a victim of ridicule or confusion. The names Hitler and Stalin are banned, and in 2002 a Turkish couple living in Germany were denied permission to name their child Osama bin Laden.

Posted By: FBL

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 11:07

The rule is alright. I wonder what parents would choose such a name for their children!?!? They must hate their children...
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 11:26

with some names, you think parrents hate their kids...

atomfried von uranium... i mean, seriously...

american stars are like the sh!t: they call their kdis apple or the name of the city they were impregnated... i would never do that to my kids... if my mom did that, i would be named "unter der autobahnbrücke zwischn imst und landeck" and thats a riddiculous name XD
Posted By: DavidLancaster

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 11:41

Please forgive my lack of knowledge, is it just me or is that hair style ever so slightly emo?
Posted By: Wicht

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 11:53

Something like this?

Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 18:36

"Flock of Hitlers" anyone?

"And I raaaaannn.... I ran so far away. I couldn't get away!"
--Poland, 1933
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/04/08 19:12

[OT]It is sad that Germany must live under the shadow of Hitler. Innocent people do not deserve to be associated with the guilty acts of those who came before them. We should all greive that we are part of the same human race as such evil people. But if you see history as I do, it seems not to be corrupted most by evil people, but rather by evil ideas.

The most shocking thing about reading Mein Kampf was the intelligence and sanity of this man..he was only the product of some very corrupt ideas which created a culture of death.

As a Christian I believe that Hitler burns in hell right now, what does it mean? If Hitler burns in hell, but his ideas live on, isnt it the ideas which should burn? It makes me look very closely at the origin ideas, and how people can rationalize things like 'the final solution'
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/05/08 08:59

I'm curious: politics and morality aside, do you think that screenshot looks like something from Maya or a AAA 4.0 shader engine?
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/05/08 10:04

Maybe of interested for you:
A visitor of that Madame Tussauds exhibition tore off hitler's head.

German news:
Posted By: broozar

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/05/08 10:41

jaja, die kreuzberger... und da sage noch einer, gamer könnten nicht realität und kunst auseinander halten.
im hamburger panoptikum hat sich aber noch keiner an die stabselite heran gewagt... was lernen wir daraus? nicht die figur, sondern der werberummel und die medienpräsenz führen erst zu der kontroverse.
Posted By: VeT

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/05/08 10:50

Originally Posted By: Wicht

omfg :)))))))
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/05/08 20:04

A visitor of that Madame Tussauds exhibition tore off hitler's head.

I read. And apparently it was the second person to see it too!

Posted By: padrino

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/06/08 12:43

It is a little bit ironic. Some popular visitor refered to it as the first successful assassination on Hitler. I guess that is one way you could put it.
As far as I have heard, the entire exhibition has been a farce so far. They put up the german ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl, to which he shortly afterwards stated that he did not even agree to that.
Posted By: ello

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/06/08 20:43

from what i think, kohl does not need to agree. he is a public payed person and does not have the right to be that private, specially after he is such a betraying dumbass
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/06/08 21:09

Lol, yeah I agree... what legal right to complain does he have anyways? It's like pictures or movies that are taken from him during his time in office.. it's not like those aren't public domain in the same way.
Posted By: virtualmarctek

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/07/08 08:14

Today I read in the "Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung" (WAZ) that somebody has hit his head down and now the table is empty.
Posted By: padrino

Re: Hitler is back in Germany - 07/07/08 13:41

Originally Posted By: ello
from what i think, kohl does not need to agree. he is a public payed person and does not have the right to be that private, specially after he is such a betraying dumbass

actually he seems to have a right to do so... as it reads in a german newspaper:

Unterdessen droht dem Wachsfigurenkabinett von Madame Tussauds auch von anderer Seite neuer Ärger. Der ehemalige Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl (CDU) sich in der Bild-Zeitung verwundert darüber, als Wachsfigur in der Ausstellung zu stehen. "Ich habe dazu nie mein Einverständnis gegeben", sagte Kohl.

"Ds ist alles sehr unseriös"

Der ehemalige Kanzler habe zwar im Vorfeld Kontakt mit den Ausstellungsmachern gehabt, sein Einverständnis aber an bestimmte Bedingungen geknüpft. "Das ist alles sehr unseriös, da fehlt jeder Anstand. Ich gebe die Sache meinem Anwalt", wurde Kohl vom Blatt zitiert.

"Wir bekommen unsere Figuren aus London. Die arbeiten sauber", sagte die Berliner Tussauds-Managerin Susanne Keller. "Ich gehe davon aus, dass Kohl sein Einverständnis gegeben hat. Deshalb steht er hier bei uns."

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