Wordpress Theme

Posted By: padrino

Wordpress Theme - 07/09/08 12:49


I am currently in charge of parts of my school's website, to which I uploaded Wordpress, since it is the most suitable solution to our requirements.
Now I am kind of in a dilemma right now, since I do not know which theme to choose. So here is what my theme definitly must have:
  • a customizable image header
  • widget-ready

Additional to all that it should be simple, nice, clean. No weird graphics, no neon-green background with pink stripes, well you get the idea.
So I was wondering whether any of you know any good themes? Right now I am using the freshy theme, with which I am not really all that happy with...

Posted By: Xarthor

Re: Wordpress Theme - 07/09/08 12:58

How about writing your own?

Here are a few links:

Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: Wordpress Theme - 07/09/08 14:12

search through the wordpress directory, the link will be in your admin cp under the themes area (now design in 2.5). I'd recommend blue earth 10, I used that one and completely changed it. As for changing the header you can do that anyway, you just have to look for it in the header. I replaced ours with an image. If you want to see our modified theme, here's our website:


if you want to see blue earth, here it is:


I will say this, if you want to modify a template, it's easier than making your own, and faster, but you won't know where everything is.
Posted By: padrino

Re: Wordpress Theme - 07/11/08 19:39

Writing my own is in some way tempting, but I do not consider myself - how do I put this - well, exactly gifted in design matters. I can recognize and appreciate good design, but I never got to be good at it myself.
And in some way, it is too much work for a website I am just managing for the heck of it, and to be honest, want to spend as few time as possible on.
But thanks for your advice anyways.

@mpdeveloper: the design is somewhat neat, but does not actually work for me, i suppose. but thanks anyways.

any more suggestions are definitly welcome, but otherwise i will just stick with freshy, its fine right now,

thanks guys
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