Israel is on the move

Posted By: NITRO777

Israel is on the move - 01/03/09 22:06

Israel is moving ground troops into the Gaza strip. The Israeli prime minister is quoted as saying they will be inflicting "maximum damage" to the Hamas.

It will interest me to see the reactions this will inspire from other countries, and what will happen during the conflict...I wonder if that Romac kid is still in the Israeli army..
Posted By: croman

Re: Israel is on the move - 01/03/09 22:54

i think it's not right from Israel side that they've sent their troops into Gaza strip neither do i approve theirs rocket bombardment.
on the other hand i'm not approving Hamas, ofc nor any other people that is saying something against israel.

they're Jewish and they're surrounded with muslim countries and hamas is driving them crazy. unfortunantly they dont see any peaceful way of solving this...

i think that most countries are on the Israel side. for example, take a look at their weapons and military stuff and see from where did they get all that stuff.
also try to remember of the History class in school. as i remember, israel didnt lose any war since they became founded/created.

i hope this makes sense, cause i didnt know how to explain that on better way smile
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Israel is on the move - 01/03/09 22:55

Yup, heard about it late December. I'm guessing Israel isn't going to slow down... but I do wonder why nobody is complaining. (At least, last thing I've heard was America wasn't too happy about it, but no sanctions or anything!)


they're Jewish and they're surrounded with muslim countries and hamas is driving them crazy. unfortunantly they dont see any peaceful way of solving this...

It's more the other way around. Israel is downright misbehaving in that area. Photographs and video prove this,

Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Israel is on the move - 01/03/09 23:16

Yup, heard about it late December
Bombing maybe, but they just today have moved ground forces grin

i think it's not right from Israel side that they've sent their troops into Gaza strip neither do i approve theirs rocket bombardment.
on the other hand i'm not approving Hamas, ofc nor any other people that is saying something against israel.
Lets just hope that after 4 decades of trouble that there will be a resolution for both sides. It seems to be hopeless though
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Israel is on the move - 01/03/09 23:48

It's more the other way around. Israel is downright misbehaving in that area. Photographs and video prove this,

granted what they are doing is not right, but i dont blame them at all. what would you do if innocent people in your country being killed by neighboring countries, because you believe something different than them?
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Israel is on the move - 01/03/09 23:50

The same procedure as every year, Ja... erm... Israel.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Israel is on the move - 01/04/09 00:48

Yeah, I meant the bombing indeed. The latest stuff going on with them mobilizing ground forces is new indeed, but it had to get out of control some time. I'm not surprised about the propaganda flyers, media black-out and so on though.

I'm sure Hamas is going to retaliate and so is Israel in their turn. It's totally hopeless as long as 'we' let them figure it out on their own.

I don't want to sound antisemitic and I really got nothing against Jews (got plenty of Jewish friends and even family), but really 'the Jews' from World War 2 should have never gotten their state of Israel. It just was not right in the sense of taking land that wasn't theirs.

granted what they are doing is not right, but i dont blame them at all. what would you do if innocent people in your country being killed by neighboring countries, because you believe something different than them?

Well, lets just say that I don't believe in the 'eye for an eye'-torture and violence kind of thing when it comes to stupidity. What I mean is that this conflict was as inevitable as it is futile.

You know, Israel has been dropping bombs lately claiming they have been hit by rockets from Hamas, but according to Hamas there has been quite a few times where Hamas actually kept their word and Israel did not. Of course, then I haven't started talking about why it's never been a fair fight either. 3 Israeli casualties, means retaliation that kills hundreds. I can see why Hamas is so popular these days,

Posted By: croman

Re: Israel is on the move - 01/04/09 01:08


It's more the other way around. Israel is downright misbehaving in that area. Photographs and video prove this,

granted what they are doing is not right, but i dont blame them at all. what would you do if innocent people in your country being killed by neighboring countries, because you believe something different than them?

Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Israel is on the move - 01/04/09 01:38

but really 'the Jews' from World War 2 should have never gotten their state of Israel. It just was not right in the sense of taking land that wasn't theirs.

I very much agree, but that was more everyone elses doing than israel's. for some reason we decided it was our duty to take others land and just give it away. being a christian i have a lot of fellow christians who say the land was "promised to them by god" but even this isnt a valid argument, because if god promised it to them, its not mans job to do so, it is whatever events god places to get them there. really i get annoyed by the whole situation.
Posted By: Toast

Re: Israel is on the move - 01/04/09 01:53

Well the entire situation down there was fucked up right from the beginning. When it's about the creation of Israel imo it's pretty much like the same people doing the same god-damn stupidity yet again. With that I mean the fantastic idea of creating a state in a sort of "random" manner...

Yet again because can't we all see how wonderful this principle works in the post-imperialistic Africa? Countries containing different antagonised tribes which beat the shit out of each other every day just because they live in an area that was defined as one whole country. Imo drawing some new borders in an occupied area is a failure right from the beginning. Maybe things will stabilize some day but how many people need to die just to get some states working the way they were planned?

It's plain sad! frown

Enjoy your meal
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Israel is on the move - 01/04/09 19:07

Yeah, you are right. It's pretty crazy as our colonial history should have been enough to show it just doesn't work.

By the way, the Security Council is failing hard at the moment,

Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: Israel is on the move - 01/05/09 15:34

Israel is moving ground troops into the Gaza strip.

You're happy?

Actually, Israel isn't really Israel, it's Palestine!
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