Educational MMOG Survey: First Test

Posted By: fastlane69

Educational MMOG Survey: First Test - 01/19/09 23:24

Hey Gang,

Yeah, I'm still trying to beat the dead horse of education with the stinging whip of MMOGs. To that effect, I've created the following survey to gauge the publics opinion of the game concept and generate some quantitative data to back my claim that "If I build it, they will come".

I'd like as many of you to take the survey for the results, but more importantly for the feedback. Before I throw this out to the world in general, I'd like to hear what you have to say in terms of the content and format of the survey and any suggestions you might have!

Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing what you have to say!

(PS: the first two mandatory questions are to control the population taking it... if you answer "no" to either one you will not be allowed to take the rest of the survey... just an FYI)
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Educational MMOG Survey: First Test - 01/20/09 13:25

Mmmm, perhaps it's best to change those first two questions? What about the people that 'might want to play, but never have played an MMO'?

Posted By: fastlane69

Re: Educational MMOG Survey: First Test - 01/20/09 15:22

Thing is, I feel that if you've never played a MMOG then its unlikely that the "first" MMOG you play will be a educational one. As well, this survey is an attempt to let investors know that there is a market out there for the game. If you've never played a MMOG, you are less likely to pick up on the concept and thus less likely to give useful responses to the questions. So I need the strongest responses possible right off the bat and that means people that are familiar with the concept. After all, with the millions of people that play these types of games, I don't think I'll be lacking in number of respondents.

Your point is valid but I think it best to reach out to the non-mmo people once the game is out and proven rather than now, when it's still in development and completely unproven.
Posted By: amy

Re: Educational MMOG Survey: First Test - 01/20/09 15:29

This is a bit off-topic but since i have seen you complaining about Gamestudio´s multiplayer capabilities a lot... Did you have a look at Unity?

Apparently the first MMOG done with Unity just got released and in a few weeks/months they will release Unity 2.5 which finally features a Windows port of their authoring tool.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Educational MMOG Survey: First Test - 01/20/09 17:32

@fastlane: I see, yes that makes sense.
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