Do you need a plug-in like this?

Posted By: LarryLaffer

Do you need a plug-in like this? - 07/16/09 05:25

Hi all,

As some may know, me and my team are working on a plugin for stuff like AI, weapons and so on.. Some things I've done I'm pretty happy with, like the freeware Zinc edition where you can add pathfinding from WED and keep programming your game however you like.. That was an important feature, as is AI, cameras and weapons.. But what else?

I felt like I should touch base and see what this plug-in is all about and what most people need.. So, here's how I see it..

I'm a programmer.. I have like 10 years of gamestudio experience.. If you wanted to hire me to work on something for your game, what would that be? Maybe, instead of paying me 50 bucks per hour, you can find the feature in my next product and save yourselves some money.. You'll also be able to fully customize that feature using IX's panel system from WED.

That doesn't mean you won't have to program anything in your game, but if there's anything too complicated for you to care working on (like AI and pathfinding was), then please let me know..

Some things I'm already adding to my next Intense X edition are: One Click Shaders, Friendly AI, Customizable Main Menus, etc.. So anything other than that..

Also, Brad made a nice teaser for Silver.. Enjoy..

Damn youtube links don't work in this forum anymore.. So you'll have to click on the image..

I posted on morbius so we can have a casual discussion about if people like 3rd party plugins for their games, which features they'd be comfortable having a plugin handle and the whole arguement about "not reinventing the wheel" VS "plugins take the fun out of programming yourself". And in conclusion: If TUSC was finished, would you use it in your game?

Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Do you need a plug-in like this? - 07/16/09 09:03

i wouldnt use TUSC, because i cant scream at it in anger if it doesnt do waht i want. but i cans cream at people XD

also, im usually not against 3rd party plugins if it makes sense. im waiting for iridium engine for example.
id like to have more plugins that takes the engine further, graphically, because in ameplay, one can buy any code from a good coder.
but good AI helbs, so does good path finding or maybe a cutscene creator :p
Posted By: the_clown

Re: Do you need a plug-in like this? - 07/16/09 09:11

I like 3rd party tools for things I can't do by myself: For example your pathfinding tool. Im far from being able to code something like this. Same for graphic plugins, I'm also waiting for Iridium. Only bad thing is that I can't afford too many plugins, so I'm always hoping for cheap indie licenses or free versions for non-commercial games.
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