Disrespect and swearing

Posted By: Joozey

Disrespect and swearing - 12/10/09 01:01

Disrespect to the mods and immature swearing, I think it should stop.
Posted By: achaziel

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/10/09 01:59

Posted By: Blink

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/10/09 02:44

i agree as well.
Posted By: sPlKe

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/10/09 03:13

fuck this fucking thread with this fucking fuck post. fuck shit hate wagarbl...

oh, and i approve...
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/12/09 20:39

Can someone please remove this emo-crap? Why make such a drama about this all. No offense, but it's pathetic.

There are rules, some people apparently misbehaved, the mods took action and banned the guy. Big deal! Be glad we don't have annoying spammers or trolls here more often, but please refrain from posting pointless whine or hail-to-the-mod topics. It's nuts. sick
Posted By: Joozey

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/12/09 23:04

It should be removed because you disagree? Very fair reasoning Mister PHeMoX.
Posted By: Crypterious

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/14/09 00:27

Well, any kind of swearing even replacing letters with some symbols shouldn't be allowed on forums that are not connected to it...
Posted By: achaziel

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/14/09 13:11

frankly put, i don't see any problem with swearing in general (kind of a habit of mine) as long as it doesn't get personal. and / or childish.
Posted By: Joozey

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/14/09 13:55

Offline swearing is generally a lack of discipline in sustaining your emotions. It's a weakness, and shows you're not capable of expressing your position properly with common words. Swearing is the easy way out, but it gives people around you a negative feeling about you (could be sadness, anger, pity). Not judging anyone who does, for I'm swearing too sometimes.

Online swearing is plain childish, as you have all the time to think of a proper way to explain yourself.
Posted By: ello

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/14/09 14:28

Originally Posted By: Joozey

Online swearing is plain childish, as you have all the time to think of a proper way to explain yourself.

if you think so... personally if i think someone is an ass i just call him like that. in the web or on the street, that doesnt matter
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/14/09 14:42

Originally Posted By: Joozey
It should be removed because you disagree? Very fair reasoning Mister PHeMoX.

No, I don't disagree, I just think it's a pointless thread. You're basically complaining about a. the obvious if you agree and b. complaining about how someone else ventilated their opinion or responded to said opinion.

I don't quite understand why if someone responds directly to someone's picture in a rather blunt (and perhaps insulting) way that people make a fuss about a mod banning him. ESPECIALLY when they actually agree with the ban! In my book that's nuts!

Anyways, I simply responded the way I did, because true neutrality is somewhat dictatorial in nature (true neutrality as in the mod banning the guy because the forum rules state so). But I've got a feeling you wouldn't quite understand.

Offline swearing is generally a lack of discipline in sustaining your emotions. It's a weakness, and shows you're not capable of expressing your position properly with common words. Swearing is the easy way out

A shrink would totally disagree with that! Anger is an emotion, you're assuming being angry is bad, while swearing is a way to ventilate and get rid of a part of that emotion, a part of the anger. The mere fact that it's an emotional response makes it human and normal. Swearing isn't meant to explain anger, it's meant to ventilate or release the mental pressure!

Of course fixing the issue at hand will totally solve the problem, but swearing has it's use.

Only people who swear all the time without actually being angry are probably abnormal, but they are only weak in not being able to break their own weird habit of using swearing the wrong way. Also, some people swear out of pure excitement, which isn't necessarily false. This also releases a similar kind of mental pressure.

The use of things like swearing are often culturally defined and there is no true right or wrong.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/14/09 19:54

Originally Posted By: Joozey
Offline swearing is generally a lack of discipline in sustaining your emotions. It's a weakness, and shows you're not capable of expressing your position properly with common words. Swearing is the easy way out, but it gives people around you a negative feeling about you (could be sadness, anger, pity). Not judging anyone who does, for I'm swearing too sometimes.

Online swearing is plain childish, as you have all the time to think of a proper way to explain yourself.

too be honest i disagree completely. swearing itself is a retarded concept. its like this:

guy acts like a stubborn donkey, referred to as an ass repeatedly... since he acts this way he gets called an ass all the time. He starts to get offended so now ass, which is a synonym for donkey is now considered insulting, but calling him a donkey isn't as insulting.. How does that make any sense. "swear words" are just words that someone got offended by and started complaining about.
Posted By: Joozey

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/15/09 00:13

Ass is not swearing, nor is donkey. "GOD FUCKING MORON, YOU'RE A RETARDED CHILDRAPER GO FUCK YOUR FATHER SHITHEAD" is. And a littlebit less is too. I couple that guy swearing to the mods to the latter type of insulting, not the former, more polite silly-ass'ing type. If one is an ass feel free to call him an ass.

Now this thread is not a complain, for all goodness. No. It's a call to listen to yourself a little more careful to what you say on the internet. It was actually even a beg to do so, because every time I read some donkey insulting a mod in public because of a certain action, I feel needlessly sad.

Now go ahead call me a pussy or emo, but I honestly don't see what I'm doing wrong in asking to let's make this place a littlebit more nice. In fact, why are the people who're against, against? Because swearing feels cool? Are the standards that low nowadays? I read you PHeMoX, shouting releases, but I've been mild at offline swearing. We're not offline, however. We're online, and this here is online swearing. Sure it releases some hot steam, but instead of swearing in a post and posting it on impulse, you could walk away and eat a banana. Then come back to say what you really need to say.

Chill pills are free.

Also, supporting a guy who's swearing on a mod doesn't really help at all. It's just flaming up hatred and victorious feelings. That is not a good thing. It creates lengthy boring annoying discussions that spoil threads.

So again, please stop that.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/15/09 04:37

I think then you submission is that insults are what shouldnt be tolerated which is already true. for example fuck you is swearing, but i can use fuck in the situation: "that was fucking awesome" and yes its a little aggressive, but not at all rude or insulting.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/15/09 08:35

Originally Posted By: Joozey
Online swearing is plain childish, as you have all the time to think of a proper way to explain yourself.

This makes lot of sense to me. Swearing in real-life can be ok in some situations. You can express your feelings very fast. I do it sometimes (e.g. as it took me several days to assemble our kitchen). But when I write a post, then there is enough time to read it again, to think about it and to handle impulsive feelings.

I understand if this happens in a chat though. A chat is quite real-time.
But posts in a forum are visible for a long time (and there is an edit function).

If someone wants to prove that he is a hard guy then swearing is the wrong way, better go to sport or book an adventure travel then.
Posted By: ello

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/15/09 09:11

i dont understand why posting shouldnt be impulsive. that seems to me like hiding someones real feelings
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/15/09 10:56

Originally Posted By: ello
i dont understand why posting shouldnt be impulsive. that seems to me like hiding someones real feelings

I don't get it either. If you mean it, why not post it?! People might read to much into other people's words on the internet, sure, but that doesn't mean swearing can't have it's purpose or same sense it would have in real-life.

I prefer honesty and clarity over censoring my own comments by default so we can all be in one big happy but extremely fake online community.

No hard feelings Joozey, but you are indirectly complaining about the forum rules and mods here. If someone wants to be insulting, it's his or her choice.

If the forum rules don't allow for that behavior, batchibadaboomboom ...he's simply going to be warned or banned straightaway. That's forum justice. And you even agree with the actions taken by the mod, so why complain?

This thread might as well be about all murderers in the world where you'd 'beg' them to please not kill anyone (a bit late for that). A more extreme example of course, but don't you see complaining about things like that is utterly pointless?
Posted By: Joozey

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/15/09 11:37

As I said, it's not a complain, it's a moral question, a proposal if you want. To examine the amount of cons and pros, and it turns out to be more divided than I thought. So aparantly not all that should be "common" is taken common, online swearing in this case. This thread has already served more purpose than I imagined it would have.

Posting shouldn't be impulsive because the forums are not a shoutboard. Youtube is full of swearing, sarcasm and sickening jokes because the whole design there is impulsive. No editing posts, quick reply. Our forums are not like that, we're an information centre, and provide help, offer new insights and discuss subjects fairly deep in psychological areas. So perhaps there are even places online where swearing is natural, but see the difference? We're not like that, are we?
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/15/09 14:11

I really dont understand why it should split people. If you want to express your feelings in written form then there are plenty ways to do it without using swearing.

I agree with Joozey here, it is no complaint. But at my personal mind it always feels a bit uneducated. It is not, that I want to express that swearing people are uneducated. I mean only that it might sound like this.

Besides that I really appreciate honest feelings as well. I think it is good to express them. We are only talking about how to express them right in written context.

In the end it is all just a matter of taste, education and breeding. So there is really no wrong way. The problem is only that some people like it this way and others like the other. Have fun!
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/15/09 19:48

In the end it is all just a matter of taste, education and breeding. So there is really no wrong way. The problem is only that some people like it this way and others like the other. Have fun!

People of all kinds of educational levels swear. It has more to do with someone's emotional state and for a smaller part a person's social environment. It's a myth that only uneducated people swear, but I'm sure you've meant to say it's not civilized.

But it still only stresses how swearing is never meant to make a point or explain an argument, but only to ventilate an emotion. Perhaps people underestimate the purpose of swearing.

To be honest, that's why I think some people can hold a grudge against someone for decades and think of normal language as being insulting when it's not meant that way.

Here the case was obvious and the moderators actions were just, and people still start a thread about it. I think that's odd at best.
Posted By: Quad

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/15/09 20:09

swearing actually reduces the felling you get from pain. scientific fact. also everyone swears on certain circumtances.
Posted By: Joozey

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/15/09 22:28

I honestly don't even exactly know what was going on with the banned person and the mod, and who intiated the attack against it, but I read the swearing, and I dislike it heartily. That's why I made this thread. Not towards that one specific incident, but to hopefully prevent this swearing and disrespecting attitudes from happening again. This aint the very first time.
Posted By: alpha_strike

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/15/09 23:32

Joozey, what´s up man?
Did you fell in love with checkbuttons pic from the quelle.de cataloque?
And now, you have the mission to protect the mods or what?
I did not get this thread, maybe it is to late for me.
Posted By: Joozey

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/16/09 00:00

You did not get this thread because you're taking it personal? (you were involved in the ban incident? Anyway, I need not to know). No, I know checkbutton for years and years on this forum. He's one of the few oldies that are still around. That only is enough to deserve respect. What's so hard to "get" a little question to watch what you post? You don't need to reply, just read and consider.
Posted By: badapple

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/16/09 00:56

no offense intended here , but i find this thread more offensive
than any swearing ive encountered surfing the forum.
Posted By: Joozey

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/16/09 01:14

... okay just let it die then. This was not the intention.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Disrespect and swearing - 12/16/09 07:52

It is very easy: You can swear like crazy. Let it all out in front of your monitor. You can even talk about it with your friends. It will not offend anyone in public.
And if you still feel the urge then write it down in a bit more civilized manner. It is easy like that.
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