[newton] + [gstnet]

Posted By: flits

[newton] + [gstnet] - 07/03/10 13:40

i need some advise ore a punch in to the right direction

i am trying to use gsnet together with newton(wrapper from Vet) the only thing is that they work both with the enity and they create 2 dimensions one is the multyplayer dimansion and one is the physisch dimension, i know this sounds strange but until now its how it is

now i dont know what is the best thing to do using dummies or not
only calculation's on server or not fake colsion with dummies ore not
the only thing is i am against server collion only because this is verry laggy and slow

everything i tried yet doesnt realy works ore the newton engine works against me ore the gsnet works against me (they are working to gether to irritate me)

anyway if someone has a idea of how its mostley don i like to know

maby isnt it possible maby it is (if it isnt i like to know to)

i am happy with any information because i just dont know were to start i know how to handle newton and gsnet but not together

thx flits
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